Chapter 3: An Instruction

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(Author's note: Later in the chapter at around 800 words it turns dark and doesn't get much better in the remaining piece of this chapter, please do remember to be safe when reading. Take a break, breathe, and get a drink of water if you need. I should have also warned you in the last chapter about the mention of abuse or potential trafficking. Sidenote: who needs to beta read?)

"How much do you remember from the books we gave you?" One of three asked but now he could care less of who exactly said it.

"I recall a large majority." The ache in his hand was there as evidence to the late nights he spent writing out summaries of what he remembered and understood. He'd go back and check everything was correct according to the book and he'd restart his summary on a blank page if it wasn't. He spent so much time on it that ink seemed to permanently press itself into his finger tips and he ended up getting glasses due to the strain he put on his eyes. It would be a great shame if couldn't call upon the knowledge he slaved over.

"To test your knowledge, we will ask you a series of questions. We expect you to answer them all correctly." It was slightly offensive that they would doubt his skills but he said nothing in objection. They would think him incapable and mock him if he said his own thoughts. He had to show them he was no fool that they seem to mistake him for.

"What is a more common mental illness children have?"

"Attentive Hyperactive Deficit Disorder"
There was nothing really ill about it, at least for him. Sure, focusing was hard but it was always solvable if he fidgeted or went out on a run. It was also really handy when he was interested in something because it allowed him to focus for hours on end.

"How do you treat a child?"

This question is something that he would only memorize, not something he could ever really learn. Children were difficult in that sense. There was instructions to follow, sure, but the instructions were basically common sense. That or it was understandably something he didn't know he could follow. The instructions compiled to the point where it seemed impossible to be everything a child needed.

"You talk in a calm matter, you set out clear rules and explain them when questioned, you follow the rules you set for them, you give rewards before resorting to punishment, you encourage their hobbies, you answer their questions -"

"We'll stop you there. What do you do if a child or baby is choking?"

Technoblade felt ready to pray that he didn't miss a step. He wasn't gonna because he was not religious toward whatever god helped children. Nether originating beings belonged to the blood god and no one else or they'd've died long ago.

"For a baby, you pat on their back with the heel of palm with moderate force while supporting their head. Switch them over while still supporting the head and press on them in the middle of their chest with two fingers and repeat until the object is out of their throat. (Don't use this first one, I haven't fact checked it --->) For a child, you can squeeze hug them from behind until they cough out the object or use CPR."

"What is one of the most necessary things for children to grow up in a healthy manner?"


"Well yes, but we are looking for a different answer." Technoblade hesitated, how is that not the answer?! Children need safety so they didn't grow up too fast! Children need safety so they didn't grow up stealing and begging. Children need safety so they don't have trauma. They need people to care for them! Oh.


"There you have it, Technoblade. What are ways you can give affection?"

"Ruffling their hair, words of encouragement, giving high fives."

"Technoblade, babies need more than just that. They need skin to skin contact. Little ones need hugs, cuddles, and kisses. They all need acknowledgement." The mention of skin to skin contact had him real uncomfortable.

"Uhhh... Would you like to further explain what you mean by skin to skin contact?"

"Was that not in one of the books?"

"No, ma'am. The books I was given didn't include much on babies."

There really wasn't a lot of books on infancy either but he was confused why he got any of these books in the first place considering what he knew about himself and the circumstances he knows others went through. Were they planning on having him raise children since he had been moved in? Why?

"I thought I told these morons to get you a book on babies and toddlers." She side eyed the two people she brought with her. She made a step and lean in their direction making the other two scurry back a few steps.

"Anyway, Technoblade. The younger the person, the more physical contact they will need from a trusted source. A young one like the child you are holding will trust you if you give them affection, safety, and their basic necessities. The older that you meet a child, the harder it is to get them to trust you usually. If a young one doesn't get the affection and physical contact that they need, their is a chance the young one will actually die. Especially when they are born weak or sick."

Well, as much as he hated the idea of --- yeah he still couldn't even think it. As much as he may dislike even the thought, he'd have to do it so the young one wouldn't die. He didn't want this little koala to end the way they mentioned.

"Why would a youngling not survive if they don't have physical touch?"

"Our belief for the time being is that it is perceived as neglect. When a parent won't give them things like cuddles, the child begins to believe that it either isn't loved or it has done something so bad that it would rather die than face reality. It gives up hope, therefore giving up the willpower to live."

There wasn't really a way that Technoblade could react to that because just... Woah. That was a lot to just think about, an absurd amount to dwell on. It was like opening a flooding gate, thoughts were just gonna pass him by.

"You have to be there in the young one's sight as well as actively take care of them. If you don't, the child will grow up with heavy trust issues. They learn that at any moment, the things they love and need can disappear. This is especially true for newborns as they think that anything out of their sights no longer exist."

"I just wanted to let you know that you are in for an interesting time, Technoblade. This young one was breastfed as far as we know, it might try to do the same to you because you are its caretaker." The third visitor stated. What the f-?!

"I apologize for this freak. He doesn't know when to shut up. While it might be true that men can do it if their babies desperately need it, we have bottles and cows for that instead. We believe that they have teeth to eat but they refused the baby food we gave them so we have them drinking milk still. It could be that their teeth are still growing in so they are sensitive." The second guest interjected as quickly as they could.

Okay, hold on, wait. So men's chest could do the same thing a woman's can? Why would they know this? Also, what is the point of the woman's chest being larger then? Why did he just think that? What is going on with his brain? Also, cow milk. Wasn't it bad for babies to drink milk from other species? What was that last bit? He needs his papers back.

"Forgive me for leaving you unattended for a moment. I will simply be going to get my papers to take notes. It is better to take notes in case I forget something from this very useful conversation." He muttered.

The 2nd guest gave a fond smile. "Well, hold on there, Technoblade. You still need to be taught how to hold a baby." She adjusted his hold on the baby, having the head higher on his shoulder, and the piglet's body almost fully reliant on his left arm. "This is how you should one handedly hold a child of that size. This way allows for movement in your other arms so you could either grab something or fight someone with your right arm."

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