04 | worried

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september 15th 2022
3:05 pm

they were now both at the nurse's office.
riki had a nosebleed while miki was still lying unconcious.

he was worried.

riki wasn't mad at her for throwing the ball at him. he felt like he kinda deserved it.
but seeing miki unconscious and unwell because of him was unsettling.

she did look quite peaceful.
laying there in a deep slumber not nagging at him for breathing and her eyes closed unable to stare at him with that piercing gaze of hers.

after a while of riki getting consumed in his thoughts he snapped out of his state and shook the thoughts of her away.

they were sworn enemies after all.

to be honest riki didn't quite understand why they disliked eachother so much.
for all he could remember was her snarky attitude towards him since the first day he arrived at the school.
he was confused but his pride pushed him to treat her the same way.

and now they were here.

taking their disliking of eachother so far to end up injuring eachother in a petty basketball game.

miki's eyes fluttered open while her head was still pounding with pain.

she looked around the room only to spot the boy lost in his thoughts while staring at the floor.

"yah, what are you doing here"

riki was snapped out of his daydream by the girl's irritated voice as he moved his gaze to the direction of where it was coming from.

and there it was again.
that look in her eyes as she stared at him.
he hated it. he really did.
he often had an occuring thought of how he wished they could start again from the beginning.
meet again for the first time.
maybe things would've turned out different.

"oh really?
you gave me a nosebleed that's why"

miki had completely forgotten that part.
all she remembered was him throwing the ball at her and causing her to be in this state.

"a little nosebleed doesn't hurt.
you knocked me unconcious.
and your nose looks fine so what are you still doing here?"

miki was right. his nose bleed had stopped a while ago and other than that he wasn't injured anywhere. so why did he stay?

"i was worried"

something miki never expected to hear from him. to say she was surprised was an understatement.
she could feel her face heating up as her expression turned to a confused one.

he was worried about her?

the boy sitting across from her was in a different state of mind.
he was panicking.
why did he say that out loud?
most importantly why wasn't she saying anything?

the room was silent until riki spoke.

"but you seem fine now so i'll get going.
you should too"

and with that he left the room leaving the confused girl alone with her thoughts.

she didn't know what to think.
he hit her with a ball and made her faint so it was only normal for him to be worried.
but she still couldn't believe it.

did he care about her?


hope you enjoyed this chapter ♡


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