Chapter 2

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Cat looked over at Kara raising her eyebrow. “Yes, Lena Luthor. Is this going to be a problem?”

Kara bit down against her lip then shook here head quickly. “N-No! of course not! I got this Miss Grant.” Cat Grant handed over the tech moguls information then dismissed the blonde with a wave as she leaned back into her laptop beginning to type away. The blonde turned on her heel and exited her boss’s office as quickly as she could, returning to her desk. She all but flopped into her office chair resting her head in her hands.

Lena frickin Luthor. She was the infamous angel that was stripped of her wings, the elders always used her as an example of what not to do. Her mother Alura had told her stories about how great of a warrior she was, and how Elder Diana had trained her and raised her as her own. She was absolutely devastated when she had to strip the angel of her wings. Kara held the little sticky note with Lena’s office contact info between her fingers trying to muster up the confidence to make the call.

She took a deep breath and pulled her office phone closer to her, she looked between the sticky note and the phone as she slowly punched in the numbers. She picked up the receiver and held it to her ear, with each ring her stomach flittered. A young woman answered the phone her voice perky.

“Lena Luthor’s office, how can I direct your call.” The woman hummed.

“Uh, hello, my name is Kara Danvers reporter at CatCo Media. We would like to interview Miss Luthor for an article featuring her and her company in this month’s magazine. I was wondering if she was free to meet me.” The blonde bit down against her lip trying to sound as calm as possible.

“Please hold.” The woman on the other side of the phone pressed a button and put the blonde on hold. She stood from her desk and walked over to the large glass door knocking against it.

“Come in” Lena’s voice answered.

“Sorry to disturb you Miss Luthor, I have a reporter on the line from CatCo Media who would like to interview you for an article.” The women stood folding her hands in front of her.

Lena didn’t take her eyes off some papers she was mulling over “Sure you can schedule her in for tomorrow I don’t believe I have anything important.”

“Yes ma’am, I will make sure to put it in your timetable.” The woman turned to leave.

“Julia, what is the name of this reporter?” She turned the page of some of her papers.

“Her name is Kara Danvers Miss Luthor” Julia smiled before turning and exiting her boss’s office returning to her desk confirming it with the reporter on the phone.

Lena tilted her head to the side and lifted her eyes from her papers as her assistant left the room Danvers… Why did that sound so familiar. She leaned back in her chair and brought her hand to her chin. It hit her like a stack of bricks, Alura Danvers, one of the Elders on the high council. Lena had no idea that she had a daughter, she ran her fingers through her hair and bit down against her lip. Was she coming here to fish for information to report back to the Elders?

The brunette shook her head leaning her elbows against her desk folding her hands together and pressing her fingers to her lips. There was no way the elders would care that much about her to send one of the Elders most precious beings to spy on her. Lena disgusted them, they could care less about anything she has done or did since she fell. The brunette shook her head, as if to try and shake the thoughts from her head getting back to work.

She would certainly find out tomorrow. She continued to mull over her work trying to ignore this ugly feeling looming over her.

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