Shifting template

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Symptoms/Signs You're Close Include
Seeing a bright light
Hearing, seeing, or smelling something different (or specific to your DR)
Feeling outside your physical body
Feeling detached from your CR
Feeling very calm
Feeling distant from your current reality
Change in temperature
Elevated heart rate
Feeling like you're floating or falling
Minor shaking
Strong urge to move or get up
Feeling as if someone is touching or pushing you

Affirmations Include
1. i can shift
2. i can shift easily
3. i can shift realities easily
4. i believe i can shift easily
5. i have successfully shifted
6. i have the ability to shift
7. i am focused on shifting
8. i will shift successfully
9. i can shift successfully
10. i am able to shift successfully
11. i am confident in my ability to shift
12. i am in my desired reality
13. i am already in my desired reality
14. i know i am in my desired reality
15. i am in my desired reality already
16. i live in my desired reality
17. i can shift whenever i want
18. i can shift realities whenever i want
19. i believe i can shift successfully
20. i know i can shift whenever i want
21. i know i can shift successfully
22. i'm shifting
23. i know i'm shifting
24. i'm shifting right now
25. i believe shifting is easier than breathing
26. i know shifting is easier than breathing
27. i believe shifting is easier than blinking
28. i know shifting is easier than blinking
29. i believe shifting is easier than moving
30. i know shifting is easier than moving
31. shifting is easier than blinking
32. shifting is easier than breathing
33. shifting is easier than moving
34. i shift everytime i breathe
35. i shift everytime i blink
36. i shift everytime i move
37. i know i have successfully shifted
38. i believe i have successfully shifted
39. i believe i am in my desired reality
40. i have succeeded at shifting to my desired reality

What Might You Be Doing Wrong?
Food/Water: It is crucial to keep your body nurtured. Drink lots of water throughout the day. One of the main reasons people fail to shift is dehydration. Being dehydrated impedes on your ability to fall asleep. Make sure to have three full meals daily, if able, but don't stuff yourself.

Sleep/Breaks: Take breaks! - One of the biggest reasons people fail to shift is lack of rest. Shifting is exhausting. Every now and then, take a 2-3 day break. You can take as long as you want, as long as you keep motivation throughout your break. Get good sleep, eat well, and keep your intentions positive! Only attempt to shift when you're feeling good. It is unlikely to shift if you feel tired or miserable.

Mood: Your mindset about shifting can change the course of your shifting journey almost instantly. Meditate and listen to subliminals a few times during the day before attempting to shift. Try to keep calm and happy. Before shifting, say you're truly grateful for and send love to your friend(s), family, idol, whoever you want. Keep positive intentions.

Detachment: A big reason that a lot of people have failed to shift is because they are attached to their current reality. It's very hard to place your mind in another reality if you're attached to one already. Before you attempt to shift, or even during the day, listen and follow a detachment meditation. If it helps to do your homework, clean your room, take a shower, or anything you feel you need to complete, do it! Make sure you aren't worrying about anything. Whether it be school, your family, anything. Let it go. But otherwise breathe in doubt and stress, and breathe out confidence and belief.

Confidence/Belief: It's easy to lose belief and want to give up after not shifting. However, it's super important that you keep your confidence and motivation high. If the desired reality you're shifting to is considered fictional, rewatching the movies, rereading the books, listening to theme music, or anything you can do to get you excited is extremely helpful. When studying, reading, or really doing anything, you can listen to subliminals you want to try to shift to (try to listen to the same subliminal for >30 days, so the messages can really set in your brain). If you see anything that reminds you of shifting to your DR, take it as a sign! Angel numbers, a different smell, whatever. Connect things to your DR, make yourself truly believe that you're close, and you will be. Using affirmations such as "I am already in my DR", "I have shifted already", can also help. Use affirmations as if you are already in your DR. Talking to yourself or others about things that happen in your DR can help, such as going to a mirror and talking about something that happened in your DR as if you've already had that experience. Talking to yourself in past tense can help you trick your conscious mind into believing that you have already shifted, therefore you will!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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