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"Please say something, V"

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"Please say something, V"

Home. I want to be there with him. Neither of us hurting anymore.

"Violet, please. Say something! I swear you're going to break my heart if you don't-"

I kiss him. I press myself against him like I never -

"Stella! Come down right this second! "

Ugh. That was such a good scene!
"Five minutes!" I quickly read it and run downstairs. If I don't ill be buried six feet deep.

Meet my mom, Joana Lane, y'know those loud-mouthed mothers. She is a really sweet lady but you wouldn't want to mess with her when she's angry. And trust me, she has a high temper. And she cooks really well.
"Yess?" I ask.

"We've got a new neighbour- "


"- go give this to them. They must be tired. "

"What's this?"

"Dinner. "

"What if-"

"No, they have nothing planned for dinner. I know her. She was my best friend after all. And I told her not to make anything. I'd make them dinner. "

" Can't Talon go and give this..." I trail off as she gives me a stern look.

"Stella, you can't become this lazy. I asked you to give. Look how fat you're getting sitting day and night on your bed with those books. ".. why does everything land on me getting fat day by day?

"Fine, I'm going. " I walk away and still hear her lecturing me. I throw on an oversized grey sweater and boyfriend jeans.

I hate skinny jeans. I don't like how they stick to my skin.

I knock on their door. "Hi, sweetie! I assume you're Stella? " She holds a big box in her hands

"Yes ma'am "

"Oh come in child! You look just like your mother. And call me Jennifer. " She offers a big smile and I smile back. I notice a girl's Talons age beside her. She notices my look and says. "She's my daughter Beth. " We greet each other and get in.

Talons my younger brother. He's a sophomore now, two years younger than me. He is one of that typical brother who wouldn't leave a chance to annoy you but would protect you no matter what.

"Would you mind putting it on the island? Beth shows her the kitchen. "

Beth has short light brown hair till her chin. Her eyes are green. She seems reserved. And she's taller than me. Well, who wouldn't? I'm 5'2... Short I know.

"Do you like one d?" Hoping to start a conversation. Honestly, I don't like one d. I don't seem to like what others do or like. I don't like one d but I don't hate them either. I have a heard few songs of them but they are just too loud for me. I like soulful music. Told ya, I like stuff that others don't. Like reading.

Moving on.

"Nah.. they -" what did she just say? I squeal. Yeah, you read it right. The kind of squeal a child does when she gets candy.

"Finally!! Someone who doesn't like 1d as well.! "

"Wait what?" She smiles, and we immediately hit it off. We had a lot in common. I helped her unpack her stuff. She didn't read but she liked stories as well. Like movies and she was interested in acting. I had drama classes last year.

"Beth!" A male voice calls out.

"That's my brother. let's go Down ."

He looks at me with a curious gaze when we reach. He looks oddly familiar. We're probably in the same school since he just changed the neighbourhood.

He is tall. Like a foot taller than me. Or more. Ahh. He has a sharp jawline., Blonde hair and green eyes, like his sister. He is also kinda cute... And hot... ahem. How did I not notice him before? But he is also not my type now. and out of my league. He has blond hair. I mean I have nothing against blond hair. But... Ummm, that's a story for another time.

Anyways, I introduce myself "I'm Stella, your new neighbour. And Beth's new friend " I offer him a smile.

"I know." He smirks. Oh? "We are at the same school. I suppose you know my name? well everyone does." Cocky much? I'm beginning to not like him much. Now I see where I have seen him. He must be one of those popular. But I still don't remember his name. I don't usually pay attention to many people. Just teachers and my two best friends

"Ooh? I still don't remember your name... " I smile sheepishly at him. His face was priceless! And I can see Beth hiding a smile. "I suppose I'm quite popular since you know my name ."

He pouts and feigns hurt " you're hurting my ego baby"

I chuckle "but seriously I don't know your name ."

"Drake. I'm telling you my name after so long. Everyone just seems to know my name. At school I mean. "

Yes of course..

He's too cocky .


First chapter!!! Longer than I expected.

And yeah it's Stella and Drake Ava and Lisa's parents.

I didn't put much of a generation gap. But instead would be Facebook...

Soo hope I update you soon


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