Fighting Slade

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It seemed like we were fighting Slade forever, he dodged some of our moves but I got him wet with my water power I smirked, and threw some snowballs at him Robin bit him and got some hits in with his staff Beast boy turned into a huge ape and grabbed him and, Smashed his face into the ground then  slammed him into a tree which must have hurt because he was groaning in pain, and struggled to get up Starfire blasted him with her star blots but, she only grazed his shoulder because he kept dodging them but Raven was, able to stop him .She made a prison out the trees he was bend over feeling defeated. He  started chuckling "Well well it seems like you have learned how to use your powers while you were wolves". We all stared at him angry "you've earn this" he grabbed the potion from his pocket and, tossed it to Robin who was staring him at down like he was a puppy but Slade stared hard. Right back "once we drink this your going back to jail". He laughed again "Oh but your wrong I'm not going to jail". And with that he vanished "Dude where did he go?! And, how did he do that?! We'll deal with him later said Robin right now we've got to get back to normal so we can get back to the tower, and track down Slade" everyone nodded in Agreement and took turns taking a sip of the potion their eyes, teeth, hair, arms, and legs Got back to normal "Alright we're back to normal! Shouted Beast boy "Alright now I can go back home and, check on my batter to make sure that there ok he was looking down in his Armor "I'm just glad to finally be back to normal my back hurts from sleeping. on that cold floor". Said raven everyone nodded their heads agreeing with her "I'm happy friends are back to normal". She smiled hugging Robin he blushed and hugged her back then smiled and, chuckled a bit come on let's go". We walked in a group laughing and talking looking forward to get home where we belong.

((Someone should have told me about the spelling on here DX oh well))

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