Chapter 5

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Hey peeps! Next chapter! Oh yeah and I'm not going to make this just like any other fan fiction where the two just magicly fall in love that's not my style you'll see what I have in store for you guys (;


Brent's P.O.V

I feel so irritated right now I don't know what to do. I mean I feel like I should just get to know him but I feel like I'm supposed to hate him. A sigh left my lips as i walked into the cafeteria, where is he? I look around and see that he's already staring at me. I quickly walk over to him as he starts to get up and walk away alone. I quickly follow him and begin to think, why did he just leave Chris and Hus friends like that?

"Can you stop following me? Damn stalker status." I heard him begin to speak and turn around.

"Well no actually I have some stuff I need to tell you." I really hope I don't just punch him in the face for his damn tone.

"Save it for later, I don't need your B.S right now, i don't need it later, tomorrow, I don't need it ever so just back off." He said a bit more weakly? Am I right?

"Well just so you know if you keep acting like a little bitch-" I was cut off.

"Me? Oh really? Is that what I'm doing? Acting like a bitch? Really you're the one who needs to learn proper manners clearly something your parents didn't teach you." He looked around as if he can find somewhere to just leave.

"My parents taught me better manners then you that's for sure." I spat back at him as the bell rang indicating for us to go to next period. He started to walk away but I stopped him and pulled him into the boys bathroom and locked the door behind me.

"What are you doing? I don't want to be late to class, its my first day and I really need to keep up some good grades." He said crossing his arms and trying to talk passed me.

"Well not unless you stop being such a brat."

"Never in your wildest dreams." He glared at me.

"Then I guess you'll just have to miss next period." I smirked.

"Hey, so will you and I'm not saying anything." He took out his phone and unlocked it.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he began to type on it.

"What does it matter to you?" He looked up at me and continued to type. I quickly snatched his phone and put it in my back pocket. "Ugh, seriously?! Give it back." He demanded.

"You want it? Then get it." I said referring to my back pocket.

"Ugh, I'm not going to touch that." He said a bit disgusted.

"Well then it looks like you won't get your phone." I shrugged and he walked towards me.

"I'm not afraid of anything." He leaned in close and our lips were inches apart. Was he going to kiss me? I felt his hand go to my back pocket and he grabbed his phone and unlocked the bathroom door and walked out well then looks like I got played.


Herro! How'd you like it?! Haha I actually liked this chapter to be 100% honest. I hope you guys like it also!




'Till next time.

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