Our new form

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Hello my name is Robin, I'm 17 years old and me and. My friends were turn into wolves by Slade it caused us to have to leave our home where we lived for 5 years we still have, our powers but me and beast boy still have to use our claws, or mouth to fight with since I can't hold my staff anymore and every time, beast boy tranforms he just transforms into the wolf. Again ".Oh what do we do now?" Asked Starfire who didn't seem to like being a wolf "We'll just have to get use to being, in this new form no matter what happens we have to stay together no matter what happens". I said I agree with Robin we have to stay together" agreed Raven who had her eyes closed taking in deep breathes to control her powers "Yeah said Beast boy chiming in laying on his back I think I can get used to this he lauged to himself which made the others give him a weird look ".What?" ".Nothing" we all said to together Cyborg who was cooking deer stew for everyone and, vegetable stew for Beast boy (who didn't meat because he was a vetegartian. And could transform into the animals who had been turned into meat) ".I made stew for everyone to enjoy he said smiling".You better have made, vegetable stew for me said Beast boy looking at the deer stew with a gross look on his face, Relax Bb I know you don't eat meat of course I made. Vegetable stew for said Cybrog grabbing Bb and, giving him a nookie which made Bb laughed. And try to pull away Starfire smiled ,and stood on her hind legs My friends you are right I can get used to being in this strange new form she smiled the best way she could, smiling while your a wolf was pretty hard to do Robin smiled at her ".That's the spirited and besides he whispered in her ear so the others couldn't hear I think you look cute as a wolf" Starfire smiled and giggled ".thanks Robin" she leaned forward, and gave him a bone crushing hug He chuckled, and hugged her back Come on let's go eat and they went to go eat the stew Cyborg made.

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