You will forever be a part of me

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As a weight was being pulled off your body, a blue glow in your eyes disappeared revealing your natural (e/c) orbs.

'What? Where am-' your thoughts were interrupted by a terrible headache.

You growled in pain, taking your hand to your head.

'Dang it, I should've brought som-.... wait a minute'

Slowly moving your arm up to your face, you examined your fingers as they moved by your command.

You realized...Belos has been defeated!

Glancing at the sky, taking a deep breath of fresh air you sigh.

'At last...freedom.'

The sound of quick footsteps approaching brought you back to reality.

Turning towards the noise, you also heard some yelling.


You couldn't recognize the voice, as the stranger was somewhat far away and you could hardly focus from all the fogginess in your sight.

"(Y/N)!" the voice became louder.

Soon enough, the fogg vanished and you distinguished perfectly who was running desperately towards you.

It was ...Hunter?... WAIT- IT WAS HUNTER!

Before you could react, he launched himself into your arms making you lose balance and fall butt-straight to the grass.

"(Y/N)! You! You are back, I thought you really died but Belos brought y-" he was cut off as he felt your cold hands.

"Why...Why are you so cold?" He searched your gaze but you couldn't bring yourself to look at him.

He sank into his thoughts for a few moments and envisioned the worst possible outcome.

"You.. you couldn't possibly be-"

Refusing to believe the cruel reality, he started desperately rubbing your arms to create some warmth.

"It's kinda chilly, maybe you're just cold" he stuttered.

"Hunter" you sadly called him.

He took your hands and blew hot air into them, you were extremely cold.

Taking his cape off, he wrapped it around your body and continued to warm you.

Nothing was working, his attempts were in vain.

Afterall, you were just a walking corpse controlled by magic.

"No! I- maybe.. I'm not trying hard enough" he was getting anxious, tears forming in his magenta eyes.

"Hunter, you know I'm- " you were interrupted.

"SHUT UP! YOU'RE NOT! YOU... you're just...." he sniffed.

"I can't lose you again, I just got you back, please I-" a tear fell down his cheek, as he looked at you.

"All these months, t-they've been pretty hard without you" his voice broke.

"Dear, listen to me" you said, trying your best not to cry, you rested your palm on his shoulder.

Hunter slightly flinched at the coldness of your touch.

"Belos... he didn't bring me back, well at least not completely" you said.

"Truth is, I didn't die in my last mission, finishing my mission, I went straight to report to the emperor, as I usually did, but-" you took a breath.

You will forever be a part of me (Hunter x Scout! Reader OneShot)Where stories live. Discover now