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Deer stepped down from the ledge. "I'm going hunting," he said. "I'll be back." He walked out of camp and made a call as he was walking out. "River, watch over the Pack while I'm gone."

When he went out of camp, Ash appeared out of nowhere. Deer looked stunned. "What are you doing here, Ash!?"

"I think it's time to return to my glory days, you know, when I was alpha."

"You nearly put our Pack in anarchy, you always hosted wars and never had peace."

"So? I don't care about Mountainpack one bit. I thought you were a rightful deputy, Deer. I never imagined you to turn your back on me."

"I did that to save this Pack, I had to kill you in a war and pushed you under the rocks to make Mountainpack great again. To save Mountainpack."

"Why would you do that? Just to save a Pack and not yourself? What the point in that, hm? It's useless. The Pack doesn't matter, you do; you matter much more. It's pointless."

"Being a leader of a Pack is putting others first, then yourself. It's a difficult job to do."

"Enough of this Mind-Flower chit-chat. Let's get to what really matters."

Deer snarled loudly. Ash grinned evilly. It was time to fight. It was life or death in this situation.

They both leaped at each other, biting and kicking and scratching. Ash scratched Deer's face deeply but Ash was invincible due to being a spirit. Before Ash knew it, Deer died on the spot. Greatly wounded, and bled out on the floor. Before Deer could get back in his body, Ash did.

Yes! I did it! I will rule this land! Ash thought happily. Deer will be no more! Ash needed to hunt something, anything really. Just to make it seem like he hunted something.

"I feel alive again!" He murmured to himself. "I am now alpha again!"

Deer went to the river to hunt a fish. He walked gracefully and quietly to not scare any potential prey away.  Once he was at the river, he bent down to catch a fish with his mouth. He stealthily trapped a fish in his mouth and brought it back to camp, the fish wriggling and flopping around. Deer held it harder and the fish had died.

He was near camp, but before he could enter the camp, he had to rub the blood off.  He went into a patch of tall grass and rubbed the ichor off. He then entered the camp as he walked and sat on the Highledge.

- FEARLESS - Book Five: The Odd LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now