qaf one shots

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I wish Brian would fucking say those three little word, I Love You! But can the asshole say it no. I still miss him though the way he smelled, the he felt, and the sounds he made when we fucked. I know I messed up when I went to the violin player and thought I was getting true love but in the end he ended up hurting me anyways. So that's what brought me back to Brian or at least me trying to get back with him.

Uh Mr. Kinney we have someone that has applied for a job with our company and i was wondering if you would like to talk with him? One of the many employees Brian had had asked.

Sure send him in. Brian said not looking from the paper he was writing on. When Brian glanced he noticed a familiar face one that he missed secretly but hated on the outside.

Thank you, you can go. Brian said to his worker.

The worker left and closed the door behind him.

Now, what the hell are you doing here? Brian asked angrily.

Well I need a job! Justin said plainly.

You couldn't look any where else? Brian asked quickly.

Well the school your paying for said that I needed to intern at an art related place for at least a couple of months. I can show you my papers I got from the school. Justin answered with a straight face.

No I believe you. Your in on a trial bases so don't fuck up! Brian said and walked out the door.

Well step one of get Brian back plan is in motion. Justin said to himself.

The day went by slow, filing a few papers there, and making copies here made for a pretty dull day. I grabbed a magazine from the table reading comments about new artists. As I was flipping through pages I heard Brian clear his throat.

I need you to do something for me, if you can handle it. Brian said sarcastically.

Sure. Justin said.

I need you to print this picture onto this black board and make 3 of them, can you handle it. Brian asked.

Yes, Mr. Kinney. Justin said.

Justin worked on the assingment finishing it at a perfect work timely time. Brian came back with what he wanted in his hand and Justin was to help in the board room. As Justin placed Brian's proposals on the table the associates came in sitting at the front of the table.

Brian talked about what he was proposing for the company and Justin accidentally drops one of the showboards. Brian keeps talking but puts his head down to sign that he was a little irritated. The lady stands up and analyzes each one but still wants a different opinion. Of the pictures.

Uh, what do you think? The lady asked Justin.

I think it would be better if they were blue it is the in color so I've heard. Justin said.

I want blue, and thank you. The lady said.

She walked and you could see that Brian was a little angry.

No I'm not finished but I would like to know that if you would like me to continue a queer as folk fan fiction for you guys. Yes I know it sounds kind of like the season 3 but I would like t add things and change up a few things! Love to know what you guys think!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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