He grinned. “Aw, sorry sis, but I couldn’t miss our one-month anniversary,” he said, smiling at Ariel, who was holding his hand. She blushed and giggled.

Now, Ariel is my best friend in the whole wide world, and she is pure awesomeness. However, she sometimes had poor judgement, such as dating my brother.

“Girl, he never wakes up before noon any other day. He just wanted to look all fancy and nice for your date.” I rolled my eyes.

She glanced at him, who started stuttering something out, but before he could, she said, “I think that’s so sweet.”

He gave me a smug, obnoxious look before turning back to their love-fest.

“Guys, please get a room, and stay at least a thousand feet away from me at all times if you two are together.” I pretended to gag.

They broke their gaze momentarily, so Ariel could say, “Wow, Isabel! Your hair is so nice! Did you streak it last night?” She pointed to the lone red strand in my hair.

I smiled. “Yeah, I was feeling rebellious. Does it suit me?”

“Of course! I could never do that; I’m all the wrong colouring.” She examined her honey-coloured hair and fair skin. “With my eyes, it would be like Christmas!” she laughed.

I thought her eyes were amazing – a bright, emerald green with gold flecks.

Nate cleared his throat; I could sense that he wanted to leave.

“All right, well guys go head on over to do whatever it is you do on one-month anniversaries. Don’t wait up!”

“Okay, see you, Belle!” Ariel called out.

As they skipped off, Nate gave me a silent “thanks” look. I waved after them. I only had one little brother, so it was always either a fond ‘aw’ feeling or sibling rivalry. Right now, the fond feeling was staying.

Finally getting into the store, I read on my checklist that I was supposed to meet someone named Damon Saunders . . . I looked around and found his nametag a minute later.

He was stretching to reach a book on the top shelf. His maroon t-shirt fit him really nicely. He had toned arms and shoulders and dark, wavy hair. I waited until he put the book off the shelf so I would not startle him as I introduced myself.

“Hi, I’m Isabel Chai. I’m the new employee.”

He turned around and I internally gasped. Thick, dark lashed framed the most beautiful hazel eyes. They were so soulful and knowing, as if we’d met before, even though I knew we hadn’t. He was a bit taller than I was, and was really good-looking.

He broke into a smile when he saw me. “Yeah, Adelaide told me about you. I’m Damon, but I guess you already knew that,” he said wryly.

He stuck out his hand and I shook it. I liked that about him; he was old-fashioned. Here at Harena Beach, word travelled fast in such a small community, especially in the residential areas. We had all heard about the Saunders family; although, I had no idea that he was this charming.

“Indeed. You’re new in town. Do you go to school here?” He seemed around my age.

“Yup, Marina University. I turn nineteen in September.”

I turned bright red. My parents taught there; there’s no doubt he heard about them. He’d ask in three . . . two . . . one . . .

“Hey, your last name sounds familiar. Do your parents-“

“Teach there? Yeah, in political sciences and literature . . . sorry for cutting you off,” I flashed an apologetic smile.

He chuckled. “It’s alright. It seems like I have your mother for literature this fall then.”

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