#1 Junior Year party AU

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AU where they're in their junior year of high school and they somehow got invited to a party because they helped someone with something or something idk. I just felt weird writing about freshmen at a party and I needed Mike to have a car.
Also, Johnathan and Nancy aren't dating in this, but just really close friends lol.

The music was blaring. It almost gave Will a headache. He never liked parties but decided to go to this one just because his friends were going.

The smell of alcohol made him nauseous. People were making out in every corner of the room. People were filtering out, either from getting too drunk or wanting to have sex in another room.

Will was personally very grossed out by all the vomiting and hands down other peoples' pants, and he was sitting alone, drinking some suspicious smelling punch. Dustin and Lucas had gotten bored and left, leaving him to his own devices.

He had no clue where Mike was. He had probably retreated to his car. Will considered doing the same about a million times, but he had flunked his driver's test twice and didn't have Mike's keys.

Will had only had about two cups of the punch. It wasn't very good. However, he had nothing else to do but awkwardly hold something so he didn't look too out of place. He still felt —and most likely looked— awkward, despite his best effort.

Even though he only had two cups, Will felt a little dizzy. They must have put more than five different brands of beer in it because it tasted like what Will thought gasoline smelled like. A mix of chemicals and despair. There was only the slightest hint of what the punch used to be before it was spiked by twenty other people.

Will finally saw Mike walk out of the kitchen. Will had heard from Johnathan that at parties, the kitchen was probably the least gross place to hang out, as long as you didn't mind drunk people. Will, unfortunately, did mind drunk people.

Mike scanned the room until his eyes landed on Will. Will looked at him, looked at the front door, then looked at him again. Mike got the hint and walked over.

"How much of that...uh...punch have you had?" Will asked. He didn't really want to get in a car crash that night because the guy who taught drivers ed didn't think the most responsible person in his friend group could drive.

"None, I saw a guy stick his whole hand in there and then put it down a girl's pants, then back in the bowl. I decided it wasn't worth getting herpes," Mike said, sitting down next to him.

Will made a gagging noise. "Wish I'd known that before I drank two cups of it." Mike laughed.
"Let's get the fuck out of here," Mike decided, fishing his keys from his pocket and standing.

Will followed him to his car and they got in. Mike's car was messy, like any teenage boy's car was. In the back were a bag, some receipts, and a few coins. Mike was known to shove things he didn't know what to do with into the back of his car. On the passenger side floorboard was a blanket. Mike was also known to sneak into his car during class break and skip. He'd curl up with a blanket and listen to cassette tapes.

There was an abundance of old energy drinks in the cup holders. A stack of cassette tapes was slowly collapsing in the backseat. They mainly consisted of David Bowie, Prince, and a few Cindy Lopper songs from Nancy.

On the back window was an old sticker that said 'New Coke Sucks'. Mike found it along with a matching one that said 'New Coke is Better' and gave it to Lucas. He kept it as a reminder to every one of his opinion.

"It's kind of early," Mike decided, "my parents will still be awake." His voice jutted Will back to reality.

They had told their parents that Will would spend the night at Mike's house, then they snuck out the window to get to the party. They decided it wasn't worth getting Mike's parents' attention by trying to sneak back in.

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