Chapter 11: Robot Masters

Depuis le début

"Welcome to my chemical paradise. Time for an experiment!" Acid Man said as he aims his acid cannon at the heroes. They would need to be careful around this robot.

"Acid Barrier!" Acid Man shouts as he forms his acid bubble shield. He then fires acid balls at them. They dodged as they activate Block Man's schematics.

"Activate Block Man's schematics." Mega Man said as Mini activates them.

"Corrosive!" Acid Man yells as he fires at them. Aki and Shark dropped bricks on Acid Man, breaking his barrier.

"Take that!" Shark said as he dropped bricks on him.

"Gooh!" Acid Man groaned as he got up and fires at them. He jumps over them and fires at them.

"Zeagh!" Acid Man shouts as he fires at them. Piranha then activates his Power Gear and slams more blocks on him.

"Uh-oh!" Acid Man taunts as he shoots more acid at the heroes.

"Watch out!" Aki shouts as he pushes Shark away from getting hit. Shark nodded in thanks to him.

"Melt! MELT!" Acid Man shouts at them trying to hit them.

"SPEED GEAR! Quick as a splash with sizzling speed!" Acid Man shouts activating his Speed Gear. He then jumps into the acid pools. He jumps out and in mid-air he fires at them.

Acid Man shouts as he fires and dives back in and swam to the other side and fires more acid.

"Yegh!" Acid Man shouts as he jumps and fires acid balls as the heroes.

"So slow." Acid Man taunted as he jumps back on the platform.

"Nyeagh!" Acid Man yells as he creates his acid barrier and shoots his acid balls at them. Wolf uses the Power Gear and breaks his barrier.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Acid Man shouted as he barrier broke. He gets up and jumps over them and

"Got you!" Acid Man yells firing more acid at them.

"No you don't!" Piranha teased as he runs pass him.

"Zyeah!" Acid Man yells firing more acid at them.

"TAKE THIS!" Wolf shouts as he used the Power Gear as he dropped more Blocks on Acid Man, stopping him.

"ACID!" Acid Man cries as he explodes. They did it! They defeated Acid Man, another Robot Master.

 They did it! They defeated Acid Man, another Robot Master

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"BEHOLD! Impact Man. Tremble, topple, tumble!" Impact Man said preparing to fight.

"Activate Acid Man Schematics." Aki said to Mini.

"Don't move." Impact Man shouts as he charges at them with his spikes. They jump out of the way to avoid being stabbed. Wolf uses Power Gear to double his Acid Barrier

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