Chapter 5: Bounce Man

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Mega Man and the Bad Guys arrived at Boing-Boing Park. They saw it was a play area for kids and grownups to play around. Very bouncy with bouncy balls everywhere.

"Whoa! This whole place is a giant play area. The kids would love it here." Wolf said. Piranha was bouncing on one of the balls having fun.

"This place is awesome!" Piranha said as he bounced to them.

"Come on, let's go find our kids." Snake said. They headed off to save their kids and stop the Robot Master.

They had to get pass many obstacles in their path. They mostly bounced around everywhere which was making Wolf, Shark, Snake, and Webs nauseous while Piranha and Aki were fine.

"Acid Barrier!" Piranha shouts as he activated it, shielding him in acid. He was able to protect himself.

They kept going higher above the ground level as they continued.

"I feel like a knight saving a princess." Shark said as he bounced up a wall.

They then encountered two robot rubber frogs that they defeated easily. Piranha went full frenzy on them, ripping them to shreds. They continue on as they go higher. They bounced to get to higher levels and to avoid from getting blasted.

They finally reached the top and entered the last room of the tower. Bounce Man popped up bouncing around in front of them.

"Bo-Bo-Bounce Man. Bounce time!" Bounce Man cheers as he stretches his arms. He bounces up and stretches his arm to punch them.

"Punch!" Bounce Man shouts as he tries to punch them. They dodged as they activated Impact Man's Schematics.

"Activate Impact Man's Schematics." Aki said as Mini activated them.

"Hyuh!" Bounce Man yells as he tries to punch them again but misses. He then spins as he slams down.

"SPLAT!" Bounce Man shouts as he slams down.

"Ha! Missed me!" Webs teased.

"Ba-boing!" He laughs. Wolf then impacted on him with the pile driver.

"AAH!" Bounce Man cries as he separates his parts.

"Whoa! Look out!" Snake said as he got hit by a ball. The rest dodge as Bounce Man reassembled his body.

"Shoop!" Bounce Man laughs he has bounces some more. Snake just sends a psycho burst at Bounce Man hitting him away.

"Again, AGAIN!" Bounce Man laughed as he bounced more.

"Hyah!" He punched again at Shark but missed as he used

"Wahoo!" Bounce Man yelled as he bounced more.

"Whooo! You missed again, chico!" Piranha said.

"JUMP!" He shouts as he slams down missing Wolf as he and Aki pile driver him.

"Ouchies!" Bounce Man cries as he separates again.

"Incoming!" Wolf shouts as they dodge.

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