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I woke up. Another boring day. I looked at the calendar and saw that it was (birthday). I went downstairs and looked through the cabinets in the kitchen. I saw some likely expired cake mix and decided to make it. I put the cake in the oven and waited for it to bake. I pulled out my phone and texted my only friend (besides that stray cat I found), Isabella. 

Isabella: hey u free 2night?



Isabella: found this old game at my dads house

(Y/N): nice

(Y/N): I'll be there

Isabella:see u

The cake was done now and I took it out. It was kinda burnt, and didn't have any toppings, but it was cake. It didn't taste all too bad either.

My mom came downstairs. 

"Hi Mom!"

She swiftly walked out the door to her car. She seemed busy. It's not that she doesn't care about me, she does! She just has a lot to worry about.

I finished my cake and decided to go on a walk. I grabbed my sketchpad and a pencil before going. I looked around at the forest behind my house. There were some rabbits running around. Some birds were flying above me. It would have be quite beautiful if it weren't for my crusty musty ass house.

I walked through the forest before I found The Tree. The Tree is a old oak tree. It's easily climbable, and a lot of kids hang out there. I climbed up The Tree to a high branch. I started doodling on my sketchpad. I ended up with some flowers and an apple tree. It was about noon when I finished. This was about the time when everyone came to The Tree. Some kids climbed up almost to where I was. One of them kept climbing up until I couldn't see them anymore. After a while I heard someone behind me laughing a bit. Before I could turn around to see who tf was behind me, I got shoved off of the branch. I hit the ground. I wasn't seriously injured or at least, I don't think so. I got up dusted myself off, a found the closest rock to throw at whoever pushed me off.

I climbed back up the tree to grab my sketchpad and to yell at whoever pushed me. When I reached where I was sitting I saw the same group of kids looking through my sketchpad. One of them noticed me and told his friends.


"It's just a prank bro, chill out."

I punched him in the stomach.


"It's just a prank bro, chill out. Now I will be taking that back."

I climbed back down The Tree and walked away. It was now about 5:00. I texted Isabella.

(Y/N): yo can come to ur house now

Isabella: ye

Isabella:what happened u get into a fight or something

(Y/N):some crusty ass Cheeto kids pushed me off the tree

Isabella:oof. U good?

(Y/N):I think

(Y/N):btw im at ur house now

Isabella: alright be there in a min

Isabella opened the door and ushered me in. She gave me bandages for a few scrapes and bruises on my arms and legs.

(A little bit later)

"So you found this old game at your Dads house? It seems kinda boring. Like a old educational game."

"Maybe, but we should still check it out."

We booted up the game and there was a kinda creepy voice saying "Hello and welcome to Andy's Apple Farm. As a beta tester your job is to find bugs and report them to me."

The game started and me and Isabella played for a while. My favorite character is Felix the Fish, because he is just the funniest character in the game. Like for real "What's the prize? 'Well we couldn't tell you, otherwise it would ruin the surprise-' 'it's the keys to your house.'" 

The game glitched a bit, no a lot, but it was only in beta so it's fine. We only got halfway through, doing Felix and Melody's mini games. It was pretty fun, some of the glitches were a bit odd, such as the one where some text popped up on screen, and then the game crashed. I'm a fast reader, so I was able to read a bit of the text. It said 'He drowned that night'. Well that's not ominous at all!

I walked home later. I saw someone in the edge of my vision. I turned to look and it was a dark figure. It dissapered and reappered farther in the woods. I followed it because what could possibly go wrong? It led me to a clearing in the woods, and then dissappered again. This time i couldn't see where It went. I then felt a peircing pain in my chest. I looked down and there was an axe stuck right through my chest. I dropped dead right then.


"...and on sadder note, a (XX) year old child was found dead in the woods. They had several axe wounds and an axe through their chest. Whoever is behind this must be caught."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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