Chapter 19.

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Unlike Theseus, the emperor was wearing formal attire. It was not his proper uniform, but it was formal, unlike Theseus, who was wearing a red jumper with a green necktie.

The night sky shone ever so brightly. It was an unusual night as there was a full moon. The moon's silhouette shone like a bright diamond in the night sky. There were no stars in the sky, only the blood moon. It was not cold, but it was not warm. It was around 3 am in the night, and the two royals were standing on the palace steps, awaiting the eldest child of the emperor. The night looked like it came out of a mystical book; the sky was so beautiful that words could not describe it. The crickets chirped, breaking the silence.

After a good 2-minute wait, the air grew colder, almost predicting what would happen as Theseus shivered slightly. He tried his best to subdue any shivering and turned to look towards the castle gates. The gates opened, and a magnificently decorated carriage appeared, and from it, once it halted, a 6-foot tall man stepped out of the carriage. He had bubblegum-coloured hair and was wearing an emerald necklace. He was not wearing his military uniform either. He was dressed in a loose silk shirt with cuffs at the end of his sleeves. He was also wearing a white neck scarf followed by black trousers with a piece of red cloth around his waist.

Most importantly, he had a crown on his head, signifying that he was royalty, his height was simpler than Theseus, but it was more significant than Theseus to indicate that he was the oldest sibling. He was led towards the emperor and bowed, "salutations. I apologize for the late entry, but I had encountered a few troubles on the path." He said in a monotone voice, "it is quite alright, Technoblade anyway I am needed elsewhere, so if that is all, I am heading off". The emperor said as he turned to walk away. Technoblade was not a visiting foreign royal, plus it was very late at night, so the emperor only had to be there to greet him. There was no need for anything else, so emperor Philza had excused himself. Technoblade then turned to face his younger brother and began to speak, "you have grown taller, Theseus", he said as he ruffled the young prince's hair and walked away.

Now it was just Theseus and Deo standing there, "why did I have to even bother coming here," Theseus said as he began to walk away. Deo begins to follow Theseus "you're the crowned prince, of course, your presence is necessary, and I have been informed that there will be a special welcoming breakfast due to the arrival of the eldest imperial prince." Deo said as he walked along the corridor with Theseus, "what time is the breakfast" Deo replied ", it will be earlier than usual, so it will start at 7:15 in the morning instead of 8 am", Deo replied calmly. Deo waited outside his room, and Theseus walked in, taking his cardigan and small circular glasses. He took off his necktie and took the jumper off, and put on his cardigan. Theseus walked out of the door's room and walked to his study. Deo followed the crown prince to his study and closed the door behind them. Theseus went to sit in his chair, and Deo went to stand beside him.

Theseus gestured for Deo to sit in front of him, and Deo gracefully accepted and sat down. The two boys were trying to find out how the Antarctic empire could be well 'civil' with the dream SMP for so long. Deo was searching for the material while Theseus was reviewing decrees that the grand council had requested his immediate attention. After a good 30 minutes, Theseus studied the scrolls, then he got up and started looking for a specific scroll that would show him how the Antarctic empire was civil with the dream SMP. Soon, Theseus passing around the room caught the attention of Deo.

"Just what are you looking for, Theseus" Theseus looked up at Deo, "I'm trying to find the older agreement from one of the previous emperors had made to keep peace with the dream SMP." "Come on, Deo", Theseus exclaimed,  "where we're heading crowned prince" "to the archives I hope you are not sleepy Deo because I assume we are going to be there for a while." "Ugh" Deo scoffed as he opened one of the drawers in Theseus's study and took a key that will unlock the archives, then he followed Theseus outside the study. The two boys walked to the achieves. The archives were actually underneath the castle, and it was massive. It had three floors, and it had sections dedicated to every emperor and all the decrees they passed while they were ruling the empire. It's safe to say that if you get lost in the archives, it would take at least a few hours for you to be found. It was a long 15 minutes walk, then Deo led the way down the dimly lit corridor, which revealed a small staircase leading to two grand dark oak doors. Since there were no guards stationed to guard the large archives, there was a lock to protect the historical documents kept inside it. Deo walked in front of the prince and unlocked the door with the key he took from Theseus' study. Deo tried to pull one of the grand doors open but couldn't, so Theseus walked over to help. They both managed to open the colossal door slightly, just enough for both boys to squeeze through. However, the door closed once they managed to enter the massive room.

"Now let's start searching for those scrolls," Theseus said excitedly.

And immediately, Deo started shivering, "why is it so cold in here!" Deo exclaimed, "well they need to keep the scrolls in perfect conditions and make sure the ink doesn't fade" Theseus stated calmly. The archives were the biggest part of the castle and the best thing was that it was underneath the castle and that nobody regularly come done here. The maids are not allowed and only high-ranking grand court members, some specially trained guards or the royal family are allowed due to the dark secrets the room holds about every single ruler the Antarctic kingdoms ever had.

"Deo you search this floor, ill search the middle one, then we both can search the bottom" "of course, crown prince," Deo replies. Theseus made his way through the dusty archives. He finds an old ladder and climbs it. Now he needs to search. Due to the archives holding many secrets, there was never a person appointed to keep them in shape, so all the scrolls and the large room grew very dusty. Theseus started searching for the scroll.

After three long hours, the boys had thoroughly searched the top and middle floor but didn't find what they were looking for. "Come, let us search the bottom, Deo" "as you say, your imperial highness", Deo and Theseus climbed the ladder to the top floor and started looking around. After 30 minutes, Deo found something, "prince Theseus look, I think I found what we are looking for". "Brilliant", Theseus responded, "now let's get out of this dusty place" Theseus headed towards the door while Deo took the scrolls and sat on one of the tables in the centre. "Now let's see how they kept the peace". Deo and Theseus scanned the scroll but didn't find anything useful. When the scroll got to the part about how they established peace. It just said, "this empire and that kingdom may never be at peace despite never going to war." Then it went about how a princess of the dream SMP married a court official in the Antarctic empire, which was about as much peace as it got. "Come on, Deo, let's go back to my office" "of course, your imperial highness", Deo and Theseus climbed down the ladder, and the two pulled the massive dark oak door open. 

Theseus walked out and started walking up the small staircase while Deo closed and locked the doors. After ensuring the door was locked correctly, he quickly walked up the stairs. " What time is it, Deo? Surely it cannot be morning," Theseus said as he lifted his gaze to see a big glass window where the sun shone brightly. Deo then walked to ask one of the guards what the time was. The guard spoke, and then Deo walked back to where prince Theseus was standing and said, "it's half past 6 in the morning, your imperial highness". "Oh", Theseus replied, then after a few seconds, his face turned shocked "oh shit", "what is wrong, your highness?" Deo said, slightly confused, "isn't the eldest imperial prince's welcoming breakfast happening at 7:15?". Deo's face dropped, "oh no", he muttered. Theseus then spoke with a firm voice, "Alright, head to your room. Deo freshen up and change into some clean clothes, then come to my chamber as soon as you're finished, understood". "Yes, prince Theseus," Deo said as he ran in the opposite direction.

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