Summer Camp

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Ten years ago:

"BUT I WANNA STAY HOME" my shouts nearly made the roof crack as I responded to the news my mother told me.

It appears I had to go to summer camp because they had business out of town and I had nowhere to stay.

"But I don't wanna go there. I CAN'T go there!!"

"Oh yeah? And why is that?"
I froze hearing her question. I couldn't tell her I had to stay bcz I snuck behind her back at night to feed stray cats at night because I knew she'd probably plan a worse punishment than sending me away.
Not being able to bear the cost of telling the truth, I gave in and agreed to go ,though deep inside, the idea of running back home kept lingering in my head.

As an only child, I had no company other than my babysitters at home when my parents went to work. The babysitters my parents hired would either invite their boyfriends over, or look around the house and try my mom's clothes and jewelry

I'd let them be as long as they didn't interfere with my own business. Taking care of stray animals was one of those things. I had always whined about not getting my own pet, but due to my father's allergies, I never got to adopt one.

Other than school matters, my parents never really concerned themselves with anything I did and as a 7 year old, I'd be lying if I said I hated it. I was pretty mature for my age.

Their ignorance gave me freedom to do things they wouldn't have probably allowed if they had played their real role and also taught me to mature up at a young age and be self-dependent.


"Now remember to read the books I packed for you and to obey your coaches and not cause trouble. I'll see you in a month." With that, mom planted a kiss on my forehead,  got in her car, and drove away.

As I gazed at the car moving away, my world fell apart. I have always liked doing things on my own. She really expected me to interact with people and play games with them? At that moment I came to the realization that the idea of running away is now a must


Author Chan:

/ Henlooooo ;) I hope you're liking the story so far :C I inspired this from a dream a had so please gimme your support and tune in for new updates ♡♡/

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