"That's good. I'm Aaron by the way. Aaron Grayson. I'm Noah's best friend." He said to me.

"No middle name?" I asked with curiosity.

"Nope." He said simply. "Oh, that's cool. You mentioned you are Noah's best friend? Who's Noah?" I said after.

He looked at me blankly. What?

"You don't know who's Noah?" He said slowly with hesitation.

"No..?" Am I supposed to know who's Noah?

"He's the other honors student, just like you. Ms Honey mentioned it during Biology. Ring a bell?" He said while looking at me with amusement.

Oh, his name is Noah. Did I really not remember his name? I like calling him the bus guy.

Adds a nice ring to it.

"Anyways, Miss Ginger is a huge Karen. You just got lucky because you're a new student. But you won't be this lucky next time." He whispered to me.

Huh. So this was the Karen teacher I was looking for in the cafeteria.

I just laughed softly to his words.

I feel better now. I think I just made another new friend.

Suddenly, I heard a loud slam on the white board.

"Shut up everyone! Turn your book to page 101. Especially you Spencer! KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT before I give you detention."

Spencer? I think. He started laughing to what Ms Ginger said.

I turned to Aaron and he gave me a "I told you so" face expression.

While the entire class started letting out oos and oofs, Aaron and I exchanged small laughs and turned our textbooks to page 101.

I was walking to the bus stop when I bumped into someone's chest again.

Oh my god. When will I stop bumping into people's chests.

I looked up and saw bus guy. No wait, Noah. Yeah.

"What do you want Noah?" I said while looking up at him with annoyance.

"What the fuck are you talking about Amelia? You're the one who bumped into me." He said while staring down at me.

I was the first one to break eye contact.

"Forget it." I said quickly and turned to walk into my bus that just arrived in time. I sat down on an empty seat but quickly felt someone's presence beside me.

I turned my head and saw Noah taking out his headphones.

I turned side ways to face him and said, "Why are you following me?" He sighed before putting down his headphones, then turned to look at me.

"I didn't know that taking a bus was equivalent to stalking someone." He said coldly.

Okay, maybe I overthink things too much. But he could have sat anywhere else. Why did he have to sit beside me?

"I'm sitting beside you because there's no more other seats. That's if you even bother to look around and realise that." He suddenly said.

No way. Is everyone a mind reader? Or am I just too easy to look into?

"Whatever, just don't bother me." I turned back and faced the window.

30 seconds later, I heard his headphones blasting 21 by Gracie Abrams.

At least he has good taste in music.


HEYYYY GUYS, i finally got my ass up to write a new chapter ><

thank you so much for those who have been so encouraging to me, you guys are the sweetest ily.

i'm looking at sunset right now and i immediately thought of you guys for some reason 😭

qotd: what's your current favorite song?

mine's little freak by harry <3 

stream harry's house yall x

i hope you guys have a lovely day as always <3


see you soon.


Dream Come True [ON HOLD]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ