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It's 9am in the morning, me and rafe are still laying on the bed, i wiggled back to him to get comfortable, he groaned. "sorry, did I hurt you?" I asked him and turned around to face him, "quite the opposite actually..." he said, I neared myself to him, he gave me a kiss on the lips, "my legs are still shaking a little bit, oh god." I said "I finished you last night pretty well" he giggled. "Dumbass" I responded and stood up from bed. "I'm going downstairs, u coming?" I asked him. "Yea" he said softly.

the Cameron parents weren't there just Sarah and Wheezie "Good morning" Sarah said with a big smile on her face "Good morning" we said back. "If you guys are wondering why Rose and dad aren't here, they went to the Bahamas for one week sooo, we're free!","Woah great" i answered, "nice" Rafe responded. "I can finally sleepover by my best friend today without them being mad for no reason" Wheezie said excitedly. "Why don't we reservate a table for dinner today? I'll invite Kelce and your brother obviously too Y'N" Sarah suggested excitedly. "sounds great" I smiled. "Yeah," Rafe smiled. "Alright, I'm going out later with your brother Y/n.","bring me first to amanda!" Wheezie screamed from the corner. "I know, Wheez." Sarah said.

later, Me and Rafe were home alone, it was already very hot in the early morning in Outer banks "babe" Rafe called me from the couch and went to me. "Yeah?" I asked, "let's go to the pool" he suggested. "Alright give me five minutes I'll wear my bikini" i said smiling.
When I went downstairs with my bikini on "fuck, you're going to turn me on on purpose or something?" he giggled, "pff" I slapped his chest gentle like a 'no' but it was actually a 'yes'.
He slapped my ass while I was walking out the door. "hot princess" he responded. I couldn't stop smiling,

When we arrived to the pool Rafe jumped to the water and splashed me "Baby!!" I shouted at him, "seriously?" I asked annoyed. "Common Babe the water is beautiful" he giggled and looked at me with puppy eyes. "okay, I'm coming" I answered. I jumped in the water, I went to Rafe he hugged me in the water, and kissed me. „I love you so much" he said. "I love you more" I said back. He sank in the water and I felt hands grabbing my legs, "Rafe?" I asked confused, he suddenly carried me, my legs were on his muscular shoulders, we both laughed. he let me go down for a couple of seconds."One day I'll marry you" he said, I blushed. I gave him thousand kisses on the face, he smiled all the time. We went both to the pool chairs to get some tan, „pose" I said to him, so he did.

I posted it on instagram, Cassie immediately liked my story after I posted it 3 sceonds ago

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I posted it on instagram, Cassie immediately liked my story after I posted it 3 sceonds ago. I put my phone down, he layed on the chair and i sat on top of him, I layed my head on his shoulder and he touched my back gentle with his finger tip, I kissed his neck gently. „You're, so, hot." i said in kisses, I could feel his bugle growing under me, "is that so?" he looked at me, "You never said that to me before, princess." a large smirk grew on his face "shh" I shut him with my finger on his lips. "you drive me crazy." I whispered in his ear, he wanted to kiss me but his phone ringed at that moment "Sorry" he excused, "yea" I said. Ugh stupid phone interrupted that moment. It was Ward asking him if everything's okay in the house and if everyone is fine.

After the phone call, "where had we stopped love?" he said. "Well.." I said and raised my eyebrows, "please continue with the words" he begged. I went with my hand under his beach costume and touched his dick he threw his head back making him gasp "you're such-" he tried to say while I jerked his dick slowly,"i'm what baby mhm?" I said smirking. "a naughty girl" he said, I smiled. "really?" I jerked him faster, his breath became faster too, he grabbed my waist harder when i jerked faster on him he left marks on my waist, but I stopped when he was almost cumming.

I stood up and went showering, when I was done showering, it was Rafe's turn to shower, I went to the bathroom when suddenly I hear the bathroom door open, revealing Rafe with a towel around his waist. I couldn't help it, but I look down his body, his abs were sharply defined. He walked towards me and kissed my shoulder. His lips then touched my ear "Watch where you're looking." he whispered in my ear. My jaw lightly dropped, he walked past me and  was staring at me like he wanted to provocate me back.
This man his indescribable hot.
After some hours I dressed myself for dinner, Sarah has already been home long hours ago, "did you have a great day with JJ?" I asked her. "Yeah we did some things.." she said, she didn't want to show her smile, "What thin- ah you know what, I don't wanna know." I responded when I realized, "I need a hug" she said. "Sure" I said. "Summer is almost over.." she started saying" I know, but we are not going to talk about that because I, don't wanna go depressed at dinner." I said. "You're right" she said."I invited Kelce too for dinner because he really wanted to go with us." she said, "great" I smiled.

Later we waited for Kelce to come at the Cameron's so that we could go all together to the restaurant. When he arrived, we saw a blonde girl, Cassie. "Hey guys" Kelce said with a wide smile on his face, Rafe's smile faited away, I turned to face Sarah. "why didn't you tell me she'll come too?" I whispered to her, "heyy" Cassie said and laughed, "I- I- don't know anything about that, I only invited him, not her." Sarah said confused. Cassie wore a dress slutty enough, I mean common we're going to dinner, not a club, but she definitely did this for Rafe. "So, is everyone ready?" Kelce asked. We all agreed, but it wasn't my as planned as Sarah wished.
When we arrived at the restaurant, we went to the table Sarah reserved, we all sat there I sat next to Rafe and Cassie sat in front of him, it was so clear. Later the waiter came to our table and asked what we wanted to eat and we all ordered pizzas, while we waited for the dinner to come, Rafe rested his arm on my chair behind my back "you look stunning baby" he said to me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"What did you guys do today?" Kelce asked us. "I was with JJ and I left my sister to her friend cause she'll sleep for a night there" Sarah said,my brother kissed her cheek. "and you guys?" Kelce asked Me and Rafe, "Uh, we were at the pool just, chilling you know." He said. "Oh! I saw a photo on your y/n insta story! You looked so hot." Cassie said excitedly. "Yeah, but my girlfriend looked hotter." he said and turned to face me, "mhm no particularly looked like a Monkey" Cassie said and laughed loud. Rafe looked at Cassie with evil eyes like he wanted to murder her what she said to me, "actually no, sweetie" I interrupted, "I think yes" she said sarcastically. "Are you jealous or something?" Sarah asked Cassie, "of course not, she just looks like a whore." she said bitchty, "don't talk to her like that." Rafe defended me, she continued laughing, "shut the fuck up." JJ said to Cassie, "at least I have a boyfriend that truly loves me" I said sarcastically. She went mute. "Guys stop!" Kelce yelled.

The dinner arrived to bring us the food, when we  were all eating, rafe smirked next to me. "not here babe" he whispered, I looked at him "excuse me?" I asked, I was confused about what he was talking about. "Y/n, stop touching my leg you know I get nervous when you do that" he whispered to me and looked at me. "what do you mean Rafe, I'm not touching your leg" I said "huh?" he said,

I looked under the table and saw Cassie's feet touching Rafe's leg up and down. I looked at her with so much hate in my eyes "Ops!" She said, "I have enough." I said madly, I stood up, grabbed my bag and walked away. "Babe wait!" Rafe said and followed me, "you fucking suck!" JJ screamed, "wtf Cassie?" Kelce said. "One more word about my sister, and you're dead." JJ defense me, they all grabbed they're things and walked away leaving her alone in the restaurant, I was crying while I was walking outside to the car, I couldn't stand her anymore, Rafe reached my arm and turned me around to him to face him. "hey, no,no,no don't cry shh, please come here." he said trying to calm me down, he hugged me tightly. "I hate her." I said crying. "I know baby, I swear I didn't know it was her, don't leave me" he said.

"Y'n!" my friends reached me,Sarah hugged me, "it's all your fault kelce!" JJ said angrily. "What?! I thought she would be nicer this time!" He said. "Don't you fucking","It's no one's fault, I don't wanna see her, if I see her one more time I'm going to punch her, I don't care." I interrupted sarcastically. "We're going home." Rafe said to me and grabbed my arm.

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