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You find yourself standing in front of an old mirror. It's frame carved in silver. It would've been shimmering in the full moon's pale light if it wasn't for the dust caked upon its surface.

The mirror itself reflects almost black. You can barely see your silhouette in it. A shame really. You can tell it used to be a beautiful ornament.

It's strange... though...

Why would a mirror be placed in the center of a room? A greenhouse, to be exact. And an abandoned one at that. What could possibly be the reason, for someone put it there?

Aside from the overrunning plants and decay, you note the multitude of candles around the room... most of them concentrated around the mirror in question. A myriad of different objects can be seen as well, jars, goblets, wooden chests, locked, of course and more.

Someone used this place for something.

You scan your surrounding again. A barren tree, an iron set of chairs, a table, pots-

a figure

A chill runs down your spine as your blood runs cold. You almost don't register the presence in the darkness of the greenhouse.


Your heartbeat quickens.

This isn't good.

You almost make a run for it when the figure steps out of the shadows. Almost.

Perhaps it was a mistake to stop.

"You're F/N L/N, right?" the figure asks, before continuing "No need to be so alarmed. You might not believe me, but I won't harm you." they offer a small smile. It does nothing to alleviate the dread you're feeling.

"Who are you and why do you know my name?" the questions flows instinctively out of you before you can stop yourself.

The figure brings a hand to their chin in contemplation. "Hmmm... you may call me Louise-Elene... if you wish." and with a small bow they continue "This dilapidated building is a place I like to frequent. And while I don't really mind the company, there must be a reason to your visit."

After a brief pause, they motion for you to sit on one of the iron chairs. "Would you like some tea?" they ask "Perhaps some water?" the muse. You wrestle with yourself internally before deciding to give in and take a seat.

"Some tea would be nice..." is all you can muster.

"Tea it is then! they offer you another smile "While we wait for the water to boil, do you have any other questions?"

"What's with the mirror in the middle?" you don't miss a beat.

"Witchcraft." and neither do they.

"Wh... what?..." to say you were baffled would be an understatement.

"You heard me." they say "Welcome to my domain!" they extend an arm.

A handshake.

They're offering you a handshake.

"Take my hand and I'm gonna point you towards a place that'll change your life forever!" they offer, a grin spreading on their features.

"...What is it called?" you ask tentatively.


Twisted Wonderland Victorian AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя