Sanora: CrystalWings

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Have shimmering blue and white scales, sometimes are seen with clear patches of scales, wings are made out of detached crystals that can be any color but is clear like stained glass, have curved horns like a ram and may be seen with fluff around the starting of their horns, on the end of their tails they have spikes made up of many big crystals

Can shoot crystals out their wings and can regrow them back, can blind others with their clear scales if they direct it under sunlight, have the ability to go invisible, and have poisonous fangs, claws, and spikes on the end of their tails

In their part of Sanora they have really green grass and houses made out of fine wood and their houses are decorated in crystals and jewels, have trees to cover the place and have big walls to protect the place

Queen Chrysalis

FeatherWings and GlassWings

Wings Of Fire: Fanfiction continents and tribesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat