She swatted his hand away, brushing her strands from her face. "Don't touch me!"

He tipped his head, squinting at her. "Do you know who I am?"

Her breath caught in her throat, her stomach sick.

"You're my father."

A sick smile curled don't his lips, his head falling back as he laughed. "yes! Yes! I am!" He cooed, trying to take another step forward. "You remember..."

She ducked past him before he could touch her, keeping an arms-length between them. She had nothing in her hands... no weapon... no magic as she was far too weak. Nothing she can do to the man that caused her all of this pain.

"No, no!" SHe snapped. "I remember a man that hurt me, tortured me... twisted my memories."

"I made you the being you are." He argued, pointing a finger at her. With his arms out in front of him, taking in the redhead slouched in her stance. "I made Exodia..."

May had made her way to the other side of the room, now standing near the control panel, her back to the windows. She could now see the second door onto the deck... one that led right outside.

Beside her, his mug filled with scolding coffee sat. She moved swiftly. She grabbed the mug, throwing it at him. He screamed in pain... the coffee blinding him.

She vaulted over a chair and ran out the door, into the warm bright sun. She came to a stop, the need to bask in the sun was overwhelming as she took just a second to take it in.

"Hey! Stop!"

Mayla picked up her feet once more, running down the dock, seeing the army of men coming out behind her. She lundged over a railing, getting to the main deck.

She saw the way... she saw the dive and the waves she would have to fight.

She prepared herself. She was ready to jump when her father stopped her with a wave of his hand. "No!"

Her body went rigid like stone, tearing her muscles with blades. She was suspended above the water... just inches from the shimmering forcefield she didn't see. Hues of purple shimmering as a dome around the boat. She almost dove into that.

Her body jolted back by an invisible force that threw to the ground with a loud thud. Her back slammed flat onto the metal floor.

Mayla heaved for air, clawing at her lungs. She writhed on the ground, with wretched gasps for air. 

She let out a writhing cry, her hand on her chest.

Her father stood over her watching her struggle... the mighty Lazarus walked over and looked down at her, his hands on his hips.

"You should've listened to your father." He nodded for the doors. "Take her back to her cage."

Two heavy hands grabbed her, pulling her to her feet. As she tried blinking away the stars she was fighting them off. A pathetic attempt of getting away from him.


Back at the New York Institute things were hectic, desperate as the new control over the Clave questioned every single person involved in the disappearance of Mayla Stonehart and Jace Wayland. Aldertree was stonecold, every one of his questions tainted with an accusive tone that told the group Aldertree didn't believe a single thing they said.

It only took three minutes after the final interrogation for the alarm to blare through the entire building, red lights flashing in the Heart of the Insitute and a display on every screen showing two pictures...

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