Chapter 2 - Bonding Time

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Well, I'd had a pleasant nap until Gus ran into the neighbor's trash can, again. Even Joyful seemed to wince as we came to a screeching stop in our driveway.

"Oops," Gus chuckled getting out of the car.

"Well you survived Gus' driving so I guess you're prepared for anything Hazel Grace," I told her as we got out.

She laughed nodding.

"I've never been more terrified in my life," she said setting her little cart next to her.

"Hey! I'm not that bad," Gus whined as we walked inside the house.

"Hey kids!" Mom greeted as we walked by the kitchen, "Oh, who's this?"

"This is Hazel Grace. She goes to Isaac's support group," Gus answered, "We're going to the basement to watch a movie."

"It's just Hazel," Hazel interjected with a smile.

"Well you and Just Hazel can watch your movie upstairs in the living room, " Dad said with a cheeky smile.

I rolled my eyes at his joke.

"Don't worry. I'll be down there too and I'm the ultimate cock block so you don't have to worry," I said grabbing a handful of baby carrots from the counter and walking downstairs.

Even though I'd left, I had a pretty good idea of their reactions. Dad and Mom probably had horrified looks on their faces. Hazel was probably blushing while Gus glared down the stairs at me. I am a master at making awkward situations. Eventually the two did come downstairs and we put on the movie. It turned out to be another one of Gus' favorites. So in other words it sucked.

"Okay, now that that atrocious thing is over. I'm going to finish my video game," I started to reach for my controller only to have Gus snatch it away.

"No, now is the point where we have a group bonding moment that we will laugh about and remember for the rest of our lives," he stated with a floppy grin.

I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"Fine. So Hazel Grace tell us your story," I said going over and sitting on Augustus' bed.

"I already told you it," she chuckled, "I was diagnosed right after my thirteenth birthday-"

"No, not your cancer story. Your story," Gus cut her off, "Don't tell me Hazel Grace that you are one of those people who become their sickness."

Hazel looked thoughtful for a moment.

"What do you wanna know?" she finally asked.

"Anything!" I laughed, "Favorite movie, favorite book, favorite poem, how many people you've dated, your first kiss, what type of music you like."

She laughed as did Gus at my enthusiasm. I just smiled hugging Joyful and burying my face into her fur.

"Well I guess my favorite book is An Imperial Affliction," she said.

"Does it have zombies?"










"Not really."

Gus and I exchanged a look.

"So what is the book about then?" I asked with a frown.

"Cancer," Hazel answered.

The mood in the room dropped like a ton of bricks.

"It's not like that though. The author, Peter van Houten, is the first person I've ever seen who knew what it felt like to be dying without actually dying," she explained getting a far off look in her eye.

I held in a giggle at the look Gus was giving her. He was already in love with this girl, I can tell.

"Well Hazel Grace, I will read this book with the boring title that does not have zombies, vampires, adventure, or fighting," he said getting up from the couch and walking over to our bookcase, "In return you will read my favorite book based off of my favorite video game."

"Our," I added in with a smile, "And we. We will read this boring book that's about cancer but not like other stupid cancer books together."

Hazel laughed nodding as she took the book.

"I don't know about you two but I'm beyond hungry and it smells like dinner is ready," I said stretching and standing up.

"We're coming, go on up," Gus said nodding.

I headed back upstairs with Joyful at my side. I stopped on the staircase though and sat down. Joyful cocked her head to the side looking at me in confusion. I put a finger to my lips and gestured for her to sit. She sat on the step below me. Leaning forward a bit, I listened in on their conversation. Eventually I just left because it was all just flirting. Gross. After dinner, Hazel went home. I headed downstairs only to see Gus sitting on the couch book in hand.

"I see you have decided to grace us with your presence," he remarked with a coy smile.

"Us? All I see is you," I snorted flopping onto the ground beside the couch.

He rolled his eyes pushing my head lightly. I chuckled stroking Joyful's fur as she sat in my lap.

"Let's just read the book," he sighed and opened it.

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