Çhåþ†êr 6 - Shattering Memories

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First-Person POV:

"They're here! It's the main force of the Recon Corps!"

The beams of light shone on my features as my head bobbed up and down with every trot of the horse. My head was tilted down and my eyes were closed, attempting to get any sort of sleep before the expedition, though that would prove impossible with this crowd.

As requested from Erwin, my hood was down and my scout's cape covered the upper half of my body. The warm sun hit what wasn't covered on my skin with glee, sending a sense of calm to wash over me as the ball of light lit up the walls and everyone in them, the good, and the bad, the ones who don't deserve its light, and those who do.

I've never liked the sun. It was always too bright, too difficult to sleep under, and its warm light wouldn't allow you to enjoy the cold feel of the mattress or the covers. It doesn't hang with millions of diamonds, nor does it illuminate the sky properly, as all the attention is immediately drawn to itself and its bright light, too blinding to even look at it for a solid five seconds. It ignored the moon's great efforts to communicate and is selfish, expecting to be praised throughout the day. It thinks it has power over us and the weather, let's say it sees something it doesn't like, it will hide behind the clouds, not showing its face because of one person's faults. Along with all that, it's the one source that allows titans to move. It's nothing compared to the moon.

The clouds hung loosely and cast shadows on the town, the sun's great light reflecting into everyone's eyes but mine, which were hidden under the hood. All around me, scouts rode on horses, their hands held tight around the reins. Either side of me, were Levi and Hange, my squad in a single-file line behind me with Noah at the front.

At the front of the formation, Erwin kept his head up high as he walked through the town folks' praise, which I could guarantee would fade into insults by the time we got back.

"Look! It's Lance Corporal Levi, and Captain (Y/N)!"

A small drop of saliva spilled from my mouth as I slept soundly on the horse, my head tilted to the side as I swayed with the horse's movements.

"They say in battle, he's as strong as a whole brigade!"

I hear Levi mumble a small scoff and curse as he rolled his eyes.

"Captain (Y/N)? Didn't she survive the Shiganshina attack?"

"I heard she let others die to save herself..."

ᗯᕼᗩT ᗩ ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᖴᑌᒪ ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ - DISCONTINUEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant