Chapter 11: Nialler

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It was my first day of work and the school day pasted very quickly, i'm lucky enough to be working with Chels today so hopefully I won't have to face an awkward conversation with Niall.

"Ready for work!?" Chels beamed

"Yep just need my bag." I ran to my bed and tossed it on my shoulder. I had decided to wear my black jeans with my low cut white converse and of course with my white button up shirt that I had to wear for work anyways and put my hair into a messy bun. Chels said that i'd be getting the apron today and that I would be a great waitress, to be honest i'm absolutely terrified. What if I stuff up or drop something or even get fired! I could feel my cheeks start to burn and my hands become sweaty and Chels surely noticed.

"Hey? Your gunna be great alright, I told you didn't I?" She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we walked out the door together walking down the stairs and to her car.

I slumped myself down in her car and struggled yet again to put my seatbelt on.

"God love, calm down your gunna be fine! Don't let your worries get to you." She grabbed my hand and she put on my seatbelt laughing to herself and starting the engine.

"Its just I get so nervous you know? I have had this ever since I was a kid.."

"What do you mean?" She looked at me and raised and eyebrow.

I was debating on telling her about my past with depression and anxiety but I guess she should know considering she's my closet friend to me right now.

"I suffered with depression and anxie-"

"Oh my god Jess i'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Oh my gosh I feel so bad, are you okay now or?" She rushed her words and I could tell she felt bad.

"Chels its fine really." I half smiled

"I'm so sorry."

"Stop it! Its over now okay? I had a rough childhood and so did my mum so she new how to help me through it."

"Ok thats good I just hope your okay now, I don't understand why it happened to you though?" She sighed

"I'm fine now but I still have anxiety attacks but I can handle them, and well it has to happen to someone and that someone was obviously me." I sighed as well looking down at my lap.

"Lets stop being sad because we're at work so lets get started girl!" Chels and I jumped out of the car and into the café....


He's here god dammit.

"Hey Nialler!" Chels beamed at him and gave him a high five when she passed him walking behind the counter and grabbing me my new apron.

"Hey Chels!" He grinned at her and shifted his sight to me ever so slowly. "And uh Jess" he said trying to smile at me and looking quickly back at the broom he had in his hand.

What the holy mother of god did I do!?

"Hi.." I said quickly passing him and putting on my apron. "Chels can I speak to you?" I nudged her arm and she playfully rubbed it with a smirk on her face.

"Of course girl!" She said quite loudly and Niall looked up but immediately but took focus back on sweeping the floor.

I took the lead and led her to the store room I saw in front of me.

"You know Niall?" I whispered to her

"Yea of course!"

"You never told me!?" I whisper yelled at her.

"Sorry I didn't think it was a big deal." She laughed "we are just friends!" She cackled rubbing her belly.

"Ok ok!" I was trying not to laugh at her terrible laughing.

"Why do you ask anyway?" She said trying to slow her self down and took a few long breaths "I have self control back now so why you ask?" She smirked "you like him" she winks at me.

"Oh my god no no! Its just he's acting wired around me."

"You want me to ask later whats up?"

"That would be great chels! Thank you so mu-" I was stopped when Anne walked in. I grabbed a box of sugar that was next to me quickly hoping she wouldn't notice.

"You girls alright?" She frowned.

"Uh yes thanks Anne just getting some sugar, uh brown sugar." I glanced at the box to see what kind it was.

"Ah ok no problem love and welcome by the way." She put out a hand and shook my hand. "Now Chels would you mind taking some orders we have a lot of people coming tonight."

"Of course Anne." Chels said nodding and sliding past Anne out of the room.

"Alright I better get to work, would you like me to take orders Anne?" I asked trying to cover up my nerves.

"Would you mind working at the cash register for an hour? And then you can change with Chelsea"

"Thanks Anne." I squeezed past Anne and let out a sigh of relief, I still have the sugar in my hand. Nice cover up Jess.


After an hour I slipped past people and to Chelsea who was taking an order.

"Hey Jess, sorry about what happened with Anne that was bit.... Hilarious" she laughed.

"Ha-ha, just wondering when would you be able to ask Niall?"

"Hmmm" she hummed "Actually tomorrow he just left sorry but your not working so thats when i'll be able to ask. Is thats okay?"

"Of course, thank you."

"I have noticed he looks at you weirdly, I wonder why though." She crossed her arms and frowned. "I have work to do sorry Jess i'll talk later." She waved me off and I took my turn in waitering.

Let's get this night over with shall we.

Heyyy hope you like this chapter! Gotta wake up early in the morning so cya later (: x
i'm not an earlier bird either /: hard life.
Love Ann xo
P.s. I'll hopefully have songs listed for some chapters but I need good ones so you'll have to wait. Xo

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