I love you - Yelena Belova

Start from the beginning

Wanda gave me a half hearted smile when she saw me shuffle into the living room. I must have looked upset from the look of sympathy she was giving me.

Eventually, I wandered up to my bedroom that Yelena was temporarily sharing with me, given the fact that she was technically a visitor, here only for the mission she was currently working on.

I changed out of my pajamas into a pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt that belonged to Yelena. A small smile crept onto my face when her scent hit my nose, filling me with a slight sense of comfort.

Now on to what to do for the day. I knew what I was going to end up doing, because I did this every time Yelena or someone else close to me went on missions. I had a bad habit of going and sitting in the conference room, monitoring their comms channel and watching their blips move around on the map. It was the best I could do to give myself some kind of reassurance that they were alive. Yelena never liked it when I did that and Wanda said that it wouldn't help my anxiety. I begged to differ.

Eventually I found myself there, sitting down in the conference room, pulling up the live mission data. Their comms hadn't been activated yet, considering they had just taken off like ten minutes ago. I watched their tracker blips move across the screen, content in just being able to know where they were.

I heard the door to the room open and close behind me, quiet footfalls filling the room. Wanda appeared next to me, placing a plate of food down right next to me.

"I figured you'd be here." she said quietly, placing a cup of coffee down next to my plate.

"Thank you." I whispered, grabbing the coffee and taking a timid sip, being careful not to burn my mouth.

"You know they're going to be ok, right?" she asked me, leaning against the table and crossing her arms.

"Yeah, I know."

"Then why are you in here?" She was quiet, wanting to help.

"So I don't spontaneously combust." I joked, picking up the plate of breakfast and beginning to pick at the food.

Wanda just laughed, shaking her head at my sarcastic response.

"I'll leave you alone then. Wouldn't want to be around you when that happens." Wanda turned around and went to the door, obviously not wanting to try and convince me to go and do something else with my day.

Their blip eventually settled, indicating that they landed.

"Secure channel seven." I heard Natasha's voice come through the speakers.

"Seven secure." Yelena replied.

Somehow, I smiled like an idiot when I heard her.

The two of them began the recon portion of the mission, scouting the area, exchanging banter, information, eventually splitting up to cover more ground. I didn't like that they did that. I didn't like that Yelena was off on her own.

But nothing happened. Surprisingly, the mission was going smoothly.

"Nat, I've got eyes on the widows." Yelena announced.

I leaned forward, studying the map of the area they were in. Yelena's tracker blip was blinking one end of the screen, while Nat's was a few streets down.

"How many?" Natasha asked, her blip moving to rejoin her little sister.

"Two. They're young, maybe late teens."

"On my way. Keep an eye on them."

"Really? Because I was just going to look the other way." Yelena retorted. I snorted at her comment. Her ability to always be able to crack jokes never ceased to put a smile on my face.

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