Chapter 1

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I was pretending to peruse through a magazine, but I was wearing my glasses. I didn't really need them, they just had my AI set in ballistic glass. They were showing me sites that were completely demolished, and I was examining the ruins from far away. 

"Ahem." Someone coughed, and by voice recognition, it was definitely a male. There was only one thing that drove perverts away, and that was four words.

"I have a boyfriend." In return to my defence mechanism, I heard a nervous laugh and a shuffling of feet. So I put the magazine down, laying my eyes on a blue hedgehog who had white gloves, a brown scarf and scarlet loafers with way too much sports tape adorning his figure.



AGE - 15 

HEIGHT - 4' 

WEIGHT - 45.16kg 





"You're still here? That sentence usually scares people away." I sighed, folding my legs. 

"Yeah, I'm not that scared of angry boyfriends. I couldn't help but see, ma'am, that you're new around here. D'you need a tour guide?" 

"I've been here for long enough to know my way around, sir." I replied with emphasis, inducing a laugh from him. His pearly whites sparkled in the sun, almost blinding me. God damn, does he brush his teeth that much? 

"Sir?" He chuckled, folding his arms, "Just call me Sonic." 

"Didn't ask." I smiled sassily, getting up and taking off my glasses, storing them in a case and tossing it into hammerverse. "Look, Sanic, or whatever your name is, I'm not really the most sociable person, so you can leave your socialising to going out with your friends to the pub, sipping root beer and whatnot. And while you're at it, leave me alone." Taking out some sunglasses, I winked, sliding them on so they rested on top of my head, but then flicked them down, successfully covering my eyes. 

"It's... Sonic..." I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away, before his grating voice was heard again, talking rapidly to his friends. The only thing I had in mind, however, if whether I was being followed. Immediately moving to my wall, I tapped a few invisible buttons on my wall, opening a secret door to my tech room. 


'Yes, ma'am?

"Scan the island. Any anomalies, report back to me and I'll analyse them and deem them a threat or not. I need to check, just in case she's found me." 

'Scanning... no anomalies found. Would you like to set a protocol in a case of this emergency?

"Set the protocol. Name it the Wake Up Alarm protocol." 

'In the case of this, would you like me to use your emergency contact?

"I don't want to use it unless it's absolutely necessary. Besides, it's been ages. I doubt they'd help." 

'It's worth a try, ma'am.

"Oh, no, I'm not putting my life in their hands. At ease, we'll run through the scan again in a few days." 

'Did you make any new alliances today?

"Oh, SARAH." I laughed, folding my arms, "I don't need alliances. I always work alone." 

'You'd fare much better if you did.' I laughed, taking a knife and flipping it into the air, catching the handle swiftly. 

"Deactivate. I'm sorry, but I just... can't make close friends. It's too dangerous for them if they're associated with me. Might make an exception for some, but still." I continued muttering to myself as I sat down at my desk, pulling out some reports on attacks, studying the evidence left on the scenes. 

"When am I going to get a break?"

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