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Date: November 8

"Are you feeling any better?" My mother came in to check my temperature for the third time this morning.

I shook my head, "No, I actually feel worse."

She sighed, crossing her arms, "Yeona, dear, why on earth did you think it was a good idea to take a nap outside while it was so chilly?"

I scratched my ear, "I was upset, I didn't really mean to fall asleep. It just happened."

"Alright, if you say so," she said, "I'm off to work but there's soup in the kitchen. All you need to do is heat it up. Drink lots of water and don't forget to take the cold medicine I left for you on the counter in the kitchen. Rest well, dear." She leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead before bidding goodbye.

Snuggling into my bed sheets, I closed my eyes to fall back to sleep. Around lunchtime I woke up again and went downstairs to take my medicine and heat up the soup my mother left for me. Taking the last spoonful, I set the bowl in the sink and tiredly went up to sleep once more.

"How's our girl?" Wooyoung ruffled my hair, making himself comfortable at the foot of my bed. Yeosang soon entered my room as well, only to comment how I looked terrible.

"Hyung," Wooyoung smacked his arm, "Leave her be."

I chuckled, "I'm feeling a tad better than this morning, thank you."

Wooyoung grinned, handing me a note with some scribbles on it, "Here, I made a list of assignments that were due today for you."

Taking it from him, I set it on the book I had just been reading. "Thanks, Woo."

"Anytime," he blissfully ran a finger through his hair in pride.

Date: November 10

Today I could return to school as I was feeling much better and my fever was gone. Wooyoung and Yeosang were both pleased that I could accompany them on the walk to school again.

"Good morning my most wonderful friends," greeted Wooyoung, slinging his arms around both of us.

Yeosang broke free, "I regret ever meeting you."

I chuckled as Wooyoung pouted and pulled me closer to him, "Well at least your cousin still enjoys my presence. Isn't that right, Yeona?"

"Oh yes, I feel quite blessed to be in your amazing presence," I agreed.

It only took us ten minutes to walk to school, but as I like to say, it was a nice walk. I was glad to be healthy again and able to leave the house. But the fact that I still hadn't properly apologized to Hongjoong lingered in my mind. As much as I disliked him, I couldn't just go on without an apology for what I said.

I found that the classroom was empty except for the one and only Kim Hongjoong who sat at his desk with a book. It was my luck. He glanced up as I entered, returning his gaze quickly back to his book.

"Uhh...H-Hongjoong?" I stammered, approaching his desk.

He peered up again, looking slightly surprised I was talking to him.

"I shouldn't have said the things I did on Monday before class, especially since it was on your birthday. It was wrong," my head hung low in shame, "I'm sorry. And I'm also sorry for pushing you away when you were only trying to help me."

I didn't expect him to say anything but he did.

"Yeona, look up at me." His voice was calm and sweet, and there was a comforting smile on his perfect lips. "I don't like to hold grudges on people," he stated, "and by no means did I hold what you said against you. I admit I was hurt but I also realize that I must make you uncomfortable, so for that, I apologize. I crossed my boundaries as well so I am also at fault."

"Oh..." I mumbled. This was unexpected, I didn't think he'd be so forgiving. But then again, we were talking about Hongjoong-the most perfect student that ever existed. I opened my mouth to speak again but the bell rang and students poured into the classroom. I found my seat and kept to myself for the rest of class.

Next, I had science and after that, I could meet up with Yeosang and Wooyoung for lunch. Normally science class takes forever but today it went by quickly and I was soon wandering the halls looking for my cousin and best friend.

"I'm sorry for bothering you again," Hongjoong sided up next to me, "But I was just curious. You don't seem interested in knowing if I found my soulmate yet or not. Everyone has been asking me this week, and I must admit it's a little tiring to answer all the time." He let out a warm chuckle.

I raised my eyebrow, "So are you asking me to ask you? Not everyone is dying to know about your love life, you know."

"Oh I know," he grinned, "I just noticed you were different and never asked."

I blinked, "Okay, so who is she? Did you come to me to gush about her or something?"


"...then do you not know who she is?" I raised a brow.

"I know who she is," he replied, "But she doesn't know yet and I refuse to tell anyone until she finds out herself. Leave the surprise for her and all."

I stopped in my tracks, this was a different side of Hongjoong. He was so giddy about the whole thing and for some reason, I found it cute. I scoffed, unable to stop the smile forming on my lips, "Yeah, she'll totally love finding out that she got the school heartthrob. Not only that, but he's a genius."

Continuing my walk, I shoved my hands into my pockets. He still followed me.

"Is there something else I can help you with?" I asked.

He laughed this time, "No, well...yes. Can we be friends?"

I froze, what did he just ask me? Turning slightly I gave him a questioning look, "What? Why?"

He shrugged, "I think you're actually nice. Even if you act a bit cold."

I paused, watching him walk past me. I was left utterly confused and baffled in the hallway. Never in my life did I expect or even think Hongjoong would ask to be friends. Frowning, I watched him enter the cafeteria. Who did he think he was?

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