Chapter 14 - Up in Smoke

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As soon as Regulus closed out his last NEWT he was off to meet Ivan and Claudette by the third floor staircase.

It wasn't long before they were all together.

An in and out mission, really.

What could go wrong?

They entered into the Room of Requirements, taking in the room unaltered.

Piles upon piles of junk laid spread out around the massive room. The stacks almost touched the ceiling.

Regulus questioned how sturdy it all was.

"How do you suppose we find the thing-" Ivan sentence fell short as everyone's eyes met at the same time.

It happened to be their luck that the death eater gang was in there.

Regulus didn't know who he was least pleased to see- Barty, Evan, or Avery.

"Well, well. What brings you here, Black?" Avery quizzed.

"I could ask you the same." Regulus retorted.

By this time, they'd all had their wands up and pointed at each other.

The tensions were thick.

It all came down to who was the first to strike.

"Easy." Evan warned.

"Expelliarmus." Claudette spat.

"Avada Kedavra!" Avery hissed back at her.

"Stupefy!" Claudette cried, sending the spell into a mirror and shattering it.

Ivan chased after the boys, as they fled.

"That's my girlfriend, you numpties!" He growled.

Regulus spotted a glimmer from the corner of his eye.

The diadem.

Claudette and Regulus climbed the mountain of items to reach the diadem.

Regulus tossed through chairs and furniture, climbing over couches.

He reached his arm up to where the diadem was wedged in, standing on his tip-toes.

"Got it." He huffed, pulling back to show Claudette beside him.

The two of the breathed a sigh of relief as they helped each other down to the ground.

Ivan's voice could be heard in the distance, causing the pair to turn towards the sound.

"Run!" He spat, his voice growing louder as he grew closer, "Avery's setting the bloody place on fire!"

Regulus watched as a snake of fire appeared around the corner before he took off.

The fire chased them as they traveled through the maze that was the Room of Requirements.

It took out everything in its path, eating all the chairs and books and trophies.

At some point the fire had separated Regulus from Claudette and Ivan.

He had no time to stop.

He couldn't look back- he had to keep going.

Regulus stumbled upon an opening where Claudette and Ivan had landed.

The fire approached them at all angles.

Regulus quickly threw up a shield to protect them.

He couldn't keep it up for long and there was no telling how long of time they'd had left.

Regulus Black and The Butterfly EffectWhere stories live. Discover now