Chapter 1

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3rd person's POV
"I dare you to kiss Marcy."

Anne froze as Marcy's eyes widened, they immediately found each other's eyes, but stayed silent as the crowd gasped dramatically.

She quickly closed her mouth and shook her head before crossing her arms, she didn't want Maggie to win.

"It's just a dare, it won't matter," Anne brushed off while Marcy was blushing heavily, which she found odd.

Anne scooted closer to Marcy which made her stomach flutter, but she brushed it off as nerves. And she glanced at Maggie with a pointed look.

"On the cheek or on the lips?"

Maggie cackled as the crowd just watched, "Obviously on the lips, idiot."

The brunette clenched her fists but let out a breath through her nose. She refused to give Maggie the satisfaction of making her angry, so she turned to Marcy, who waited expectantly.

She hesitated but quickly pecked her lips which made Marcy blush more than she should've, but Anne didn't notice.

"Aw cmon, you call that a kiss? We want a real kiss," Maggie said sarcastically.

Anne only sent her a glare, but turned to Marcy with a look of concern.

"Listen... I don't mind kissing you, but... I wanna know if you're comfortable with it, if you're not, we'll leave, screw these idiots." Anne said, with sincere eyes.

Marcy smiled, this girl really did care about her, and it showed.

"Um... no, it's a dare, so I'm fine with it," She said, with a light blush.

The brunette searched her eyes a bit more before nodding.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, both unsure on who should make the first move, which only annoyed Maggie as she hollered, "Hurry it up already!"

They ignored the girl and focused solely on each other.

Anne glanced at Marcy's lips which made the girl suck in a breath. She closed her eyes before leaning in and meeting her lips, which caused Marcy's eyes to widen, even if she was expecting it, she didn't expect Anne to actually do anything.

Her eyes soon closed as she kissed the girl back, she sighed happily before deepening the kiss. Despite them both being inexperienced in kissing, they moved so naturally, that it made them flustered.

Anne pulled away for a second with a small smile, just enough to lock eyes with the girl again, but once she did, she couldn't help but kiss her another time, convincing herself it was just friendly.

The teenagers sitting around them were stunned, not expecting the two girls to actually go through with the dare, and so happily too, Maggie seemed the most displeased about this, this was supposed to sabotage and embarrass the two girls, by it seemed to do the exact opposite.

"Okay, we get it, you guys can stop!" Maggie yelled, annoyed.

This seemed to bring the two girls back to reality, as they were startled and reluctantly pulled away.

Their faces were bright red and they noticed their breathlessness. They locked eyes and Marcy instinctively touched her lips, which made Anne do the same, the ghost of the others lips still being there.

They had been each other's first kisses, although it was for a dare, they weren't disappointed by it.

Marcy hesitantly found her eyes, and Anne looked back, both silently staring at each other.

Maggie sneered and said, "Hey! If I didn't know any better I'd think you guys liked that."

The two girls blushed but stayed quiet, which made Maggie's crossed arms fall slightly.

"No way?! You actually did?! Holy—"

"Shut up!" Anne quickly said, getting up and sending the girl a glare.

Maggie's eyes widened and she quickly put her hands up in defense, "Woah, it's just banter! Take a joke, jeez."

The brunette shook her head before turning back to Marcy who was observing her.

"C'mon Marbles, let's get out of here." She said and pulled her up.

The ravenette nodded, since she didn't really want to be here in the first place, and if Anne was leaving then she saw no point in staying.

Maggie only scoffed, "Wow, buzzkills,"

They ignored her and walked out of the room and out of the house.

The cold air hit them which made Marcy shiver and Anne stared at her in concern.

She went to say something but then realized, she had a sweater and a hoodie on, and she quickly took off her hoodie before handing it to the girl.

Marcy looked at the hoodie and then back up at the other girls eyes, who sent her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks..." She muttered and grabbed the hoodie from her hands before throwing it on.

She was immediately enveloped with the smell of Anne's perfume and the hoodie ended up being slightly bigger on her, which made the other girl smile.

"You look cute in my hoodies," She said while they walked side by side.

Marcy blushed and hid her face with the sleeves of the hoodie, "Shut up!"

"What? I'm telling the truth!"

A silence filled the air as Marcy glanced at Anne, and she felt her cheeks flush red.

Why am I blushing?

She brushed it aside, before glancing up and realizing they were in front of Marcy's house.

They stopped before Anne turned to her, which made Marcy look up at her.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Marcy." She said with a smile.

Marcy felt her heart flutter and right as the other girl turned and went to leave, she quickly stopped her by grabbing her arm, which made her stop and look back at her with a confused look.

Her face heated up once she realized she had stopped the girl for no other reason than because she wanted her to stay with her.

She let go of her hand before sheepishly smiling and scratching the back of her head nervously.

"Um... oh, uh, your hoodie! Aren't you gonna take it?" She said, relieved that she had somehow came up with an excuse.

The brunettes confused look shifted to a happy one and she quickly shook her head.

"Nah, keep it, it looks better on you anyways," She said.

Marcy blushed, and just when she thought she couldn't get any redder, Anne proved her wrong when she winked at her and threw her a finger gun.

The ravenette looked away with a smile on her face as Anne waved one last time and walked away and back to her house.

Marcy watched her leave, and she couldn't help the way she touched her lips again.

They had kissed tonight, twice, but they were still just friends. It slightly confused her.

But with a sigh, she went into her house and quickly plopped down on her bed tiredly.

She knew tonight she probably wouldn't be able to sleep, Anne would most likely take up her mind most of the time.

To be continued...

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