Chapter One

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My name is Raven. At first glance you'd see that I'm about 5'6" and weigh about 140 pounds. I have long, black, silky hair. This is my story.

Perhaps it was merely by chance, our meeting. If he hadn't been on that street corner at that exact moment, we would have completely missed each other, our lives flowing in completely useless different directions.

I pulled my hair into a bun on the top of my head and changed my nose ring to a hoop.

I had always been told I was beautiful, but it was such a loose term that I paid no attention to the comments. Beauty was a standard influenced by society and my rebellious spirit couldn't accept anything like that.

I had always been told that I would go far in life, reach my full poential, but I wasn't quite sure about that either.

I lived in the moment, greeting each oppurtunity like a new friend, accepting of any path that would sustain my happiness.

See, I had just graduated high school and everyone expected me to find a college and to find it quickly. I should've had this planned out years ago, why hadn't I?

Did they not understand that I just wanted to take a year off? College is a big commitment, and I've never been good at those.

The college I choose would dictate my entire life and I just wanted to see what kind of journey fate might take me on before I decide the rest of my life.

So here I was, walking around the city, trying to block out the mental alarm clock of how much longer I could stay commitment free for.

I wanted my one night stand with life. Just one big thing to keep me going until the begining of the end.

I turned the corner sharply, paying little to no attention to my surroundings. There he was however, and he was impossible to miss.

He sat on that corner, playing his guitar, blocking out the busy highway and bustling people.

He sat on a stool, next to an open guitar case. He was playing "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars, which just happened to be my favorite song. It was as if fate, or Mother Nature, brought us together.

He was sitting there, like a perfect angel who had fallen to sing to me. His brown hair moved, slightly, with the wind. It was just long enough to grab a fist full. His bangs didn't even touch his eyebrows. He had beautiful, blue eyes, and this smile to die for. 

He noticed I had stopped and was watching him. He looked directly at me and winked. I thought I would end up as a puddle right there on the sidewalk.

I finally realized that I had stared long enough, and was looking like a creep now. So, I pulled out a 5 dollar bill, walked up to his case, and placed it under a cup so it wouldn't blow away. I stood up and looked at this guy in front of me. I had wanted to tell him he was really good, but I froze. I sat there mouth open, then smiled and quickly walked away. He finished his song, but I didn't hear another one. I absententmindedly walked faster than I thought and was out of ear shot.

I was about to cross the street, when I heard this guy yell something.

"Hey! Miss! Please stop!" I stopped curious if it was me he was talking to. It was! He was talking to me? He was running toward me with his guitar in one hand and empty case in the other. It looked like he just picked up and left without a care in the world.

I asked him, "Yes? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, there is."

"Would you care to enlighten me?" I smiled.

"Could you hold this for me?" He asked, trying to hand me his guitar. He trusts me with this?

"Umm, sure." I say, as I grab the neck of the guitar.

He set his case down, and squatted in front of it. He opened it and pulls something out. Then, hands it to me. I looked at it. It was my wallet. I must have dropped it without realizing. That is so awesome that he would bring that back to me.

"Oh, my goodness! Thank you! You are a life saver!" I said handing him his guitar to put away, and taking my wallet back.

"Of course! I wouldn't keep that! That's something an idiot would do. I don't wanna be an idiot." He smiled, standing and scratching the back of his neck.

'Well, thank you."

"Of course. Sorry, I'll let you go now. I just didn't want you to get too far without that." He said, picking up his guitar and heading back to his stool.

"Thanks again!" I yelled, then walked across the street to Starbucks. I ordered and when I opened my wallet a paper fell out. I didn't think I had one right there. I paid and then picked up the paper. As I waited at the other counter for my coffee, I opened the paper.

It read, "Hi, I'm Chase. You should text me sometime." With his number at the bottom and it was addressed to The Fallen Angel.

A/N~ Hey, guys! What do you think of our first chapter? Let us know!! We would like feedback, and we are welcoming of constructive criticsm.

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