It Was a Dream???

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I wake up to Bakugou by my side, he says, "You idiot, you could've died!" I feel confused as to why he said that. I say "What do you mean?" He gives me a worried, but annoyed look. "WHY DID YOU DRINK THE DAMN COFFEE YOU CLUMSY FREAK?!" he yells, damn, I didn't think he could say something so hurtful but okay. "I was tired! How could I tell if the coffee was poisoned?! I would look weird if I just went around smelling drinks that people give me." I explain. He says, "You're a lucky one you clumsy freak, if you drank the entire thing, you would have died immediately." He walks out, "Mina! They woke up!" He yells. I couldn't believe this was a dream! The pink alien from my dream walks in. "HELLO MY NEW BADDIE BITCH FRIEND! TIME TO GO GET SNACKS!" she yells, with so much energy, it kinda hurts my ears. I slowly get up, my entire body hurts from the effect, but to get snacks? Hell yeah.


As Mina and I are walking to the store to get food for the dorm, she asks me a question that scares me so much that I want to actually drown myself. She asks, "Hey, I recorded the entire thing that happened but, why was there a person staring at you from afar?" I got chills, "Wait a minute, what?" I reply. She has a sudden look on her face of realization, but we're already at the convenience store so we put that aside for now. I got a text from Bakugou. 

Hey, Clumsy freak, wanted to let you know that Ochaco is also going to be guarding you at all times. Alright??

Wait protection??? I don't need it. The only time I let my guard down was when i fell asleep.

I don't need protection but if you want, okay, I'll accept it. Remember though, I can still beat your a$$.

I text him that and I walk into the store with Mina. I remembered I was also buying this food for the party I'm throwing in the dorms since Aizawa is sick. I look at the list, I have to buy kimchi, dumplings, mochi, boba tea, and LOTS of ramen, mostly because Mina is going to devour this shit up. I wish there were carts or baskets because I have to buy 20 packs of ramen, 3 packs of kimchi, I have to go to a food place to buy 5 packs of dumplings, 30 packs of boba tea, and 2 packs of mochi for Ochaco. I threaten Mina, "Mina, you better have bought two reusable bags for the shit I have to carry." She replies, "Of course! Honestly, I had to, Bakugou forced me and told me if I didn't, I will be burned to death by his quirk." She hands me the one of the bags. I walk around, taking everything I need. I almost emptied out the store, but I go up to the cashier and pay for everything.


I walk into a place called 'The Dumpling Palace'. I go in there and I am immediately surrounded by news reporters. "Did you know the drink was poisoned?" One guy said. "Is it true you talked to Dabi without being hurt?" A woman said. "Do you know the person that was watching you?" Another woman said. I was speechless and said ever so humbly, "I will answer questions next week when I'm free, see me at the park." The reporters left the restaurant. Mina sighs, "That was so humble Y/N." I heard the sarcasm and I walked inside the restaurant. "Hello sir, may I please get 5 packs of dumplings?" I ask nicely. He replies, "Sure! We already have some ready for you." That sentence felt off, like he knew I was coming. Whatever, I don't care I just need to get food. "Mina, hold this bag let me take the second bag." I tell her. We both exchange bags and she grunts, "BITCH HOW DID YOU HOLD THIS IT'S SO DAMN HEAVY, DAMN!" I roll my eyes and take my order. Then, we soon walk back to get the party set up.

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