Recovery Girl's Office

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"Y/N, what is that burn???" Dabi asks, almost shouting this time.

"I got that burn on my wrist when I was...Lighting a candle! The match fell on my wrist." I lied, but I didn't want to make it seem like Bakugou hurt me.

"Y/N, tell the truth. That burn on your wrist is very dark and a match can't do that. Also, the burn is all over your wrist. Tell me what really happened."

Oh no, this isn't good. He may figure out that Bakugou hurt me! If he does, the walls will run red...

"Okay fine...While Bakugou was fighting somebody he tripped, so I decided to help him get up but he accidentally left his quirk activated and he hurt my wrist." I lied again, no regrets :). I looked over at Bakugou, he was staring at Dabi in fear so I turned around. Dabi didn't use his quirk, but had a gun pointed at him! I run over to him from behind and unarm him, taking the gun away.

"What the hell Dabi?! Why are you trying to hurt him?!" I shouted.

"He still hurt you! He deserves to die!" Dabi yells.

Katsuki POV:

I'm scared for Y/N and myself right now, does he know that I hurt them on purpose? Oh shit...

Y/N just got shot! I have to help her!


Oh my god... He shot the leg! 

"Bakugou help m-me!" I cry out, I can't die like this, this would be a dumb way the end my f*cking life if I was gonna be a future hero! Bakugou picks me up and makes a run for it, run faster than he's ever did before! The one thing he should've done before carrying me away was at least trying to stop the bleeding with his dumba$$. Even though there would be no time for it, I like my chances of pulling it off. Bakugou continues to run while Dabi chases after him, trying to aim at the perfect spot to where Bakugou would die instantly. Bakugou runs into UA and straight into Recovery Girl's office. It looks like Dabi ran off once he saw us go into UA. Bakugou lays me down on the nurse/hospital bed, and we wait for Recovery Girl to finish speaking to us. How am I not dead by now because it took this lady's old a$$ a whole 10 minutes to explain that she can try to heal me, bro healing people is your JOB your QUIRK. I fall asleep because it took this lady another 20 minutes to close the curtains and stop the bleeding on my leg. I wake up and I'm still supposed to stay in here for 2 more hours, wow, what a way to ruin a perfect Sunday.

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