Chapter 4 - Not enough p.1

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Y/n thinks that she's not enough for everybody.. Hondo, Ethan and everybody else. She has issues with how she looks, she doesn't comunicate  and Hondo is very concerned. He feels like he's already tried everything, but he's still trying to find a way to his daughter.

 Hondo- Y/n hi, darling can I go to your room? 

Nothing was heard, no answer, quiet as ever, but now Hondo had a strange feeling that something was wrong. He tried to open the door but it was locked. So he went for it in a police way. He couldn't believe his eyes. Y/n was lying on the ground, motionless, bloody wrists and piroules on her desk. Hondo ran toward her, trying to have a cool head. 

Panic is a luxury hondo couldn't afford at the moment. He grabbed Y/n's neck and tried to find a pulse, found nothing, didn't breathe so he started resuscitating. Hondo- Darling, please breathe, it's Dad, I love you. After a while, Y/n opened her eyes.

 Y/n- Daddy? What's going on, what happened? 

Hondo couldn't describe it, he was just glad his daughter was alive. 

Hondo- darling, it's okay, you're okay, I'm going to call Ethanokay? Don't ever do this to me again oki?

Y/n couldn't hold back tears and started crying. Hondo befriended her and was devastated by how his sweetheart felt. 

Y/n I am such a burden daddy.... I thought it would be better this way 

Than Hondo heard these words of anger gathered in him and collected, god knows what Y/n went through before they met. He was trying to lend his father's helping hand and be there with her. 

Hondo - You are not such a burden honey..Don't you ever said that I am gonna call Ethan okay??

Y/n -okay 

*call with Ethan*

E- Hi buddy what's up?

H- Hi you need to come to my house, check on y/n , found her unconcious with cut wrists and pimples next to her bed. I resuscitated. He's upstairs. she thinks it would be better here without her. He needs you, and so do I.. 

Ethan - Give me 5 minutes and I'm with you

Hondo - Thank you I appreciate that

* end of call*

Hondo- Honey Ethan will be here soon okay? come on try to rest in my bed

Y/n - Daddy?

Hondo- Yes ?

Y/n- I am sorry

Hondo- It's okay , you don't have anything to be sorry about, do you want me to call Deac too?

Y/n wanted her uncle deacon because he was her another safest persons. She has 3 safest persons- Hondo her dad who's very special for her and she wants to be policewoman or firefighter because she wahts to save themworld exactly like her father. Another safest persons is Deacon who gave her siblings who she never had in her life and he's the cool uncle Deacon and she's very happy to have him like her father's bff and also her uncle. The last safest person is Ethan. Y/n can't describe how she is thankful to him for saving her life, he 's always here for her and sheps happy to have him in her life. Hondo took Y/n to his bed because his bed was her safest place on the earth.

Ethan came to Hondo's house soon as he could. He was very sad what's happening with Y/n, she was like his daughter, he loves her. After 35 minutes he was before Hondo's house and rang the bell. Hondo heard it , y/n fell asleep . She was so tired. 

Ethan- Hi Hondo.. i am sorry

Hondo- Hi buddy i know, she fell asleep , she's so tired...

Ethan - can i check her up?

Hondo- do what you need to , thank you so much

Ethan-you're so welcome , you know she's like daughter for me 

Hondo- I know, I am gonna call Deac too she needs him...

Ethan - Hondo look at me! None of this is your fault, she went trough a lot and belive me sheps the happiest person on the world to have you in her life. She just need a little space. Don't worry she's Harrison now. *Hondo a little bit laughed at this .. but it's true, she has teenage Harrison in his house, if you would said to him before 10 years he's gonna meet a girl who will be his foster daughter ... He would laugh at this part, but now his life changed a lot*

Ethan walked to Hondo's room where y/n was asleep. He checked her pulse , heart and breathing with cold sthetoscope. Y/n started to wake up.

Y/n - Ethan... I-I am sorry * she started cry because she was so sorry for what have she done. Ethan pulled her into hug than gave bandages on her wrists, patched her up, gave her vitamins in IV and let her sleep.*

Author's note- Yeah I know it's a little bit depressing and don't worry there will bw part two ASAP. Sorry for not long posting but theres a lot of school with upcoming finals*

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