Side effect 2

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Akira's POV

Just as I planned, I followed Eri quietly to the party. Eri was wearing a nice red dress with green designs. She didn't look so bad. But I'll admit she looked way cuter in her nightgown. I watched her stepped into a blue house. The house was much bigger than Eri. It had a nice garden in the front. And above it, there was a balcony.

"Bingo" I said as I grinned. The plan was perfect. I will climb up tree that was next to the balcony and secretly enter the house. When the area was finally clear, I quickly ran toward the tree. I slowly reached to the first branch of the tree.

"AHHH!" I heard a clamorous voice above me. Then I noticed a guy, who had black hair with matching glasses, falling above me. CRASH! The guy landed on my back as I lay flat on the ground.

"Damn, I was pretty sure the plan will work" I heard him say.

"Do you mind?" I said as I feel the pain on my back.

"Oh sorry dude!" he said as he got up. I got up and patted the dirt off my cloths. So I guess he was planning the same plan as me. Bummer that means the plan didn't work. I observed him rubbed his sullen cheek.

"There got to be a way in" he said. Great, I need to go in before Eri meet this Daichi dude. I started walking toward the back yard of the house. The second plan was to go through the back door.

"Hey, where are you doing?" I heard him say as he walked beside me.

"To the back yard" I answered.

"Oh I see! You're thinking about sneaking in the back door. Great idea!" he said. We walked together toward the back yard.

"I'm Hideyoshi by the way" he introduced.

"Akira" I introduced back.

"And you're sneaking in for….." I started to say.

"Got pay to" he said simply. He got pay to sneak in?

"No one can sneak in Natsume’s house because her house is full of security. So I made a bet that I could." he said. I slowly glanced at him. He was about an inch shorter than me.

"So do you think someone will be guarding the back door" I asked.

"Dunno" he said as he slowly walked away from me. I watched him walked behind the tree.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'll be right behind you" he said. What a weirdo. I continued to walk. Suddenly I heard an unpleasant noise. I looked over to a big black dog, who was growling angrily at me.


The dog started to chase me.

"Hideyoshi help me!" I hollered as I ran rapidly across the yard.

"You're doing a great job Akira!" I heard him shout. Great job? I looked over to Hideyoshi, who was still behind the tree. I bet he knew there was a dog. Then why didn't he tell me about it!

"Hideyoshi! this dog is going to tear me apart!" I hollered as I feel the tense of the angry dog near me. I looked over to Hideyoshi, who was walking into the back door. Hideyoshi, how can he do this to me? I feel like a bait……….wait I AM A BAIT!

"HIDE-" I clumsily tripped over a rock and fell right toward the ground. I heard the dog rough breathing near me. Will this be the end! I closed my eyes tightly, prepared to be attack by the dog. Then I felt a wet liquid on my cheeks. I opened my eyes and saw the dog was licking all over my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2013 ⏰

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