𝐎𝐍𝐄; the château.

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          𝐖aves rumble against the shallow seabed, savoring the droplets dashing from the black clouds above

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          𝐖aves rumble against the shallow seabed, savoring the droplets dashing from the black clouds above. Walls of water tower before them, one after the other- daring the teens to cross the border of sand.

Dark, tangled strands slap her soaked skin, falling victim to the violence of the wind. Bright blue eyes study the sign before her; beach closed due to the hurricane.

Nevertheless, her lips tug into an everlasting grin.

The girl peeks up at the boy on her left, Pope, her eager expression contrasting his growing doubt. Her dark-skinned friend has always been the realist of the group- the smart guy. The kind of guy who would do anything to obtain the chance of receiving his scholarship.

"Those aren't surfable waves, guys," he comments through a profound frown, his voice loud as it battles the wind.

Her focus changes to the person on her right. John B's grin makes her own expand to the point where her cheeks hurt, a loud laugh escaping at the sight of his childish excitement.

The brunette then turns back to Pope, her smile dissolving into a devilish smirk. "Says who?" she shouts, taking off towards the high waves.

Pope meets his friend's teasing stare.

"Come on, bro," John B exclaims. "You really gonna let Mar do it by herself? Gonna be a freakin' disaster!"

Marlowe's fingers turn white from the grip on her surfboard. She glances over her shoulder in anticipation, pleased to see her friends sprinting toward her. Eventually, she proceeds to take one step into the freezing water, her toes curling against the sand as she adjusts to the drop in temperature.

A deafening shriek flees her lips as John B surges past her. Water flies way above her shoulders, nearly soaking her exposed skin in the process.

"Oh, it's on!"

Marlowe Greene treasures surfing. The feeling of her wooden surfboard soaring through the saltwater, running across an element more powerful than the human race. Being one with the life of the ocean. The thrill of it all; the burst of butterflies as she's about to fall. The feeling of accomplishment when regaining her balance.

𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐋'𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃, jj maybankOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora