3. Ransom

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The kidnapper wanted one million dollars for the return of Jessica. The family had till midnight the next day to have it. He said he would call and tell them where to meet him. If they contacted the police the ransom would go up but the time to get the money would go down! The TreeChopping family was running out of time. It was already one P.M.


when they contacted the bank the bank said they cannot take that much out today......................................................

As every minute goes by the family starts contacting family and friends to see if they'd lend money to them to help them get their daughter back..........

Most of them didn't have that kind of money so they told them no.

It was getting close to 11:30P.M. and they only had half a million dollars. At any moment the kidnapper would call and when he did he'd ask for the money which they didn't have.

It was 11:59 P.M. As soon as the phone rang Mrs. TreeChopping let out a scream. Mr. TreeChopping answered the phone. 

Mr. TreeChopping: Hello

Kidnapper: Do you have the money?

 Mr. TreeChopping: Not yet but we'll get it, I promise. Just please don't hurt Jessica. I'll do anything!!!!! I swear.

Kidnapper: Meet me at South Cheyenne Road in five minutes.......


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