Bakugo: Shady bastard! What's an extra like you doin' making those kinda statements!?

Marshall: Hey spiky hair,  just keep underestimating us for now. It'll make it all the easier when we beat you to the top!

Marshall thrust his arm in front of him gesturing to the explosive boy with a thumbs down and grin to boot, earning snickers and mocking chatter from the other students.

Student: Hey hey, this guy serious?

Student: Haha, so lame.

Bakugo's hands crackled violently as other students began to back away or book it entirely.

Bakugo: Wanna run that by me again!

The surrounding room grew darker and darker as tension built between the two before-

Teacher: Hey what's going on here!?

Light flooded the room once more.

Marshall: (Not yet, I've got  to be patient...)

Bakugo: Tch.

Their surrounding classmates dissipated to their own lunch spots as the air became breathable again. Bakugo knocked into (Y/N)'s shoulder as he stomped out of the classroom in an even worse mood than usual.

Marshall: Guess I'll be seeing you around Izuku Midoriya.

Midoriya: Yeah...

Marshall: You've gotta big dream in mind, I can tell cause I got one too. I just hope you're prepared to back it up.

With that Marshall left. Neither Midoriya or Bakugo would run into the strange student again until after exams were over.


Marshall: Just a few more months and I can get started.

He grinned eagerly, adjusting his scruffy shirt collar and tapping the end of his beat up sneakers on the ground.

Marshall: My time... MY ERA!

Student 1: What the hell.

Student 2: What's with that guy?

Student 3: *Snicker* Loser...

*Months later*

The time for UA's practical entrance exams had finally come and many former junior high school students gathered to pursue a future in hero work. A less scrawny Izuku Midoriya skittishly entered the academy grounds with a familiarly nerve wracked attitude. his prodigy bully Bakugo overtook him with a casual death threat and after he thought he composed himself, Izuku tripped over looking as if he'd just about given up already on his journey before it started before his descent was slowed by a round cheeked girl that greeted him. Not too much later another boy strolled in after a few other students by his lonesome in a wrinkled white uniform shirt and black slacks and shoes with no jacket despite the brisk weather that time of year.

Marshall: *Deep breath* Lets get started...

Funnelling into a large lecture room, President Mic broke down the entrance exam with enthusiasm that none of the students seemed to reciprocate.

Funnelling into a large lecture room, President Mic broke down the entrance exam with enthusiasm that none of the students seemed to reciprocate

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