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The first thing Gemma did when she entered the DADA classroom, was hit Regulus Black over the head with her bag. He yelped, and she did it again. Luke watched, thoroughly amused.

'What was that for!' He said in indignation. She hit him one last time for luck.

'You'd already done the Arithmancy homework!' She said angrily. 'You lied!' Regulus looked quite shocked.

'How did you find that out!' He looked at Luke. 'Did you tell her?'

'I can figure things out for myself, thanks!' She snapped. 'I'm not thick!'

'Right,' Regulus said sheepishly. 'Sorry.'

'I don't need your charity.'


'And saying okay doesn't mean you understand.'


'And stop saying sorry.'

'Okay.' She glared at him, only to see him grinning slightly. She couldn't help but laugh, and then he was laughing, and then they both couldn't stop. Luke just stood there, smiling awkwardly at people and their lingering stares. They were still laughing when Ted and Iz joined them.

'What's this about?' Ted asked, eyebrows raised.

'Don't even ask,' Luke murmured. They managed to calm down however, as Penhurst entered the room.

'Alright everyone,' he said loudly. 'Second lesson of the year. Now, since this year is important- with our O.W.Ls and everything going on- I would like to see where we are all at. Everyone get in a line. Come on now, quickly.'

The green and blue ties merged together as everyone got into a line. Ted and Gemma went straight to the back. Luke went to the front, and Iz and Regulus were lost somewhere in between.

'Right,' Penhurst said, the din quietening down immediately. 'I would like everyone to perform a spell. The most impressive spell that you can think of. It can be anything really, just maybe try and keep it relevant to countering the Dark Arts. Ready? Okay, Mr Harrow, please start us off.'

Luke stepped forward, aiming his wand at the dummy. Gemma tried to predict what he would do. He was clever, and seemed to know an awful lot about an awful lot. Therefore Gemma concluded he would try a unique spell, one that most people hadn't yet discovered.

Luke muttered something under his breath, something Gemma couldn't hear. She didn't need to. Without a sound, the dummy disappeared. Then it reappeared, but behind Gemma.

'Very good, Mr Harrow!' Penhurst said. 'The relocation spell! Brilliant to disorient your opponent. Quite uncommon for a fifth year to know. Now, next please!'

The dummy reappeared, and the next boy stepped forward. His spell was considerably less impressive; a simple expelliarmus which didn't even work because the dummy didn't have a wand.

As the hour went on, the line got gradually shorter. All the while, Penhurst took notes, while Gemma watched. She didn't need to think about which spell she would perform- she only knew how to do one. It was one that Edward had taught her, claiming she would need it in the future.

Gemma watched as Iz stepped forward. She chanted a spell, and Gemma watched in anticipation.

The dummy's front teeth- though they were made of plastic- began growing. They grew and grew until they were down to the floor, which was when Penhurst stepped in an countered the spell. Iz walked back proudly.

The next person who's spell Gemma cared about was Regulus. She could see him considering, calculating as he walked toward the dummy. It was nerve- wracking, Gemma could imagine, with all eyes on you. Even those on the other side of the room, who had completed their spells, were watching intently.

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