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Akari's eyes widened and stepped few steps back but was pulled by one of them. Her back hit his chest while the boy had a strong grip on  both her hands, making it difficult for her to move. The other moved forwards and started opening her shirt buttons. Akari tried freeing herself and getting away, water filling her eyes. But unfortunately she was not strong enough, since the boy had ripped her shirt buttons leaving her upper half in a bra.

Aito screamed and pleaded to let her go and not her, But Daisuke ignored him.

Akari was crying and pleading but one of the boys covered her mouth with his hands. Eventually her bra was taken off too.

Akari was now seated at the centre of the circle, head hung low, sniffling, tears flowing down her eyes, her hands covering her bare chest.

Daisuke and his so called friends were laughing, recording Akari with their phones.

Toshinori, too laughing and recording with his phone, pulled Aito towards him, "Hey hold this and continue recording." Aito refused and tried backing, but Toshinori forced him to hold it.

"If you don't give me the money by the end of the week, this video of your friend will be posted in the internet itself and then the whole world will see this shit, you hear me?" Daisuke said, all of them laughing except Akari and Aito.


"What's going on here?" Every head turned towards the white haired male emerged from the entrance.

"Ah if it isn't our buddy or lets say..our ex-buddy Sanemi Shinazugawa here." Daisuke exclaimed. Sanemi walked towards the group, eyes widening when he saw what was being carried on. "Don't you fuckers have some goddamn classes or again bunking them and bullying the others?"

"Now now Sanemi, we were just having some fun? Besides you used to have fun with us before too right?" 

"Well didn't I leave your fucking group after seeing what kind of fucking mess you guys create and get yourselves into?" Sanemi retorted, snatching the sitting girl's clothes from one of the boys and walking towards the crying girl. He placed the clothes in front of her and politely asked her to wear her clothes.

"Oh so now you're gonna act like a bloody hero now blaming us as monsters now?"

"I may not be a hero but i sure as hell ain't gonna be some monsters like you people. And besides do wanna do something in my future and not lay useless like you fuckers."

Akari quickly wore her clothes and stood up. Sanemi wrapped his hand over her shoulders and signaled Aito too follow him too. The three continued to walk towards the door when Daisuke yelled, "Well don't forget our deal dear Aito, or everyone here knows what will happen."

Aito and Akari flinched making the three halt. 

"Oh and Shinazugawa, Don't pretend as if before you weren't a part of us. You ain't some goddamn hero. If you try anything and you'll see what happens."

"I'd like to see you try moron." Sanemi tsked, and urged the other two to move, making the three of them to leave the rooftop.


"So naturally, the herbivores consume the flora, and the herbivores are consumed by the carnivores, who are then either consumed by the omnivores or are decayed which later on acts as nutrients to the flora itself-"

Enmei raised his hand, to which Haruto nodded him to continue.

"But sensei, is there any chance that a reverse process has happened? Like omnivore being devoured by something?"

"Yes there are some examples, like a omnivore being devoured by some other omnivore or it has been hunted by some other carnivore, or more importantly we, humans can be devoured by a carnivore but we are still considered the top of the chain."

Y/N was busy writing her notes, but majority of the time glancing near the window. She was glad she was seated in the back sections of the class rather than the front. She observed her classmates either listening to their sensei or noting down their notes. She looked out of the window and saw a crow sitting near the tree branch almost touching the classroom window. The crow cawed and intently looked at her while she stared in its eyes for a few moments before her attention was diverted towards the blue haired Inosuke passing his note to his blond friend, Zenitsu, who was hushing at him to shut up, but also taking a note. Zenitsu then patted his redhead friend's back, Tanjiro who was sitting in front of him. The three boys were whispering, hushing and slightly chuckling among themselves. Y/N attention then went towards the next question which was asked.

"Sir do you believe that we are the top of the chain not only due to our meal consumption but also because we are the smartest beings in the planet?"

"Generally? yes. But in my opinion, if you ask me, then no. In fact we are far from it. We humans call ourselves the most smartest, yet we act, behave and treat others more insensibly than the other animals. I believe that we humans are smart but way less intelligent than many animals. But we humans have only unlocked and are using 1% of our brain while the rest of it is unused. If we use that then we surely can become super beings to walk on this earth. If we do this we can create so many things, defend and protect so many things."

"But sir we also do the same things that the other animals do."

"Yes, but our instinct is way less powerful than these animals. If we are threatened in any way, we retaliate for a while but many a times succumb to our weaknesses, but other animals in the habitat, when threatened, do feel fear, but instead of succumbing completely, they retaliate. They retaliate to defend themselves and many a times inflict harm on the ones who threatened them, as a warning to back off, and it is this instinct that makes them more deadlier and powerful than before which we humans have but not enough."

The whole class felt silent. Even the trio of friends including the loudmouth Inosuke fell quiet, and the ones taking notes faced their sensei. Y/N unknowingly felt an unexpected chill down her spine. She knew this was a normal science class but for some reason her skin felt goosebumps. she could even observe her other classmates like the mohawk, Genya, gulping, while the twin he was arguing with, Yuichiro, had his eyebrows furrowed while the other twin, Muichiro looked at their sensei unknowingly. The butterfly girls were looking at their sensei unfazed but deep down she knew they too were have the conflicting feelings.

"Uhh sensei, can you give us some examples of the omnivores?" Y/N asked. All eyes fell on her but was then deflected when her sensei replied with a yes, and continued on with the lecture as if nothing had happened in the first place.

After a few minutes, thanks to her question, the tension dissolved. She lifted her head and saw Tanjiro looking towards her with a slight smile, mouthing her a 'good job' for dissolving the tension. She smiled back and continued writing her notes, this time fully paying attention.






Dead or Alive? (MODERN!KNY X READER)-ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora