"No," Knox said flatly.

Venable threw his hands up, "Fine. Fine, do what you want." Knox chuckled at his frustration, Venable never failed to entertain her with his dramatics. "Good luck."

Seconds after Venable stepped away the chariots began to move. The sound of Hunger Games music and the Capitol's cheers filled Knox's ears as they exited the tunnel. The chariots circled in front of President Snow's podium and started heading back down the long runway to the tunnels where they had just exited from.

The chariot slowed to a stop again in the tunnel and Knox immediately stepped off and was greeted by Haymitch who was standing with Seeder and Chaff from District 11.

"Nice outfit," he said sarcastically.

"Ha," she replied humourlessly.

"Come with me, I would like you to meet someone," He told her. She followed him off to the side, out of the way of the chariots. They didn't have to wait long before they were approached by Katniss and Peeta.

"Nice. way to make friends out there you two." Haymitch said, walking towards them making Knox, Seeder and Chaff follow him; Knox slightly behind the others.

"Well, we learned from the best." Said Katniss blandly.

"I wanna introduce you to some special friends of mine." Haymitch said, "This is Seeder and Chaff. From District 11" he gestured to the two. Chaff stepped forward and caught Katniss off guard with a kiss on the lips. Haymitch and Chaff chuckled and Knox had to bite her tongue to stop herself from laughing at the look on Katniss's face.

"He's very friendly." Haymitch chuckled, "Don't invite him over, he'll drink up your liquor,"

"You sound very bitter about that 'mitch" Knox mused as Seeder and Chaff excused themselves.

"And another friend of mine, this is Knox from District 10 as I've already mentioned." Haymitch introduced.

Knox stepped forward and shook Peeta's hand and then moved to shake Katniss's but the girl seemed hesitant, "Relax Everdeen, I'm not going to kiss you," Knox smirked and Katniss reluctantly shook her hand, "not unless you want me too," she said cheekily.

"You've never offered me a kiss," said Haymitch, offended.

"Why would I want to kiss you?" Knox let go of the younger girl's hand and started towards the elevator, patting Haymitch's shoulder on her way past.

"Let's get some of that makeup off you and talk about these other tributes," Haymitch said to Katniss and Peeta, following Knox to the elevator.

"These Tributes are crazy," Katniss said, looking behind her.

"No not all of 'em. He's a good guy." Haymitch said, "She might be though," he said nodding towards Knox.

The four of them stepped into the elevator but before the doors could close they were joined by Johanna. She took one look at Knox's outfit and almost laughed, "Did you piss off your stylist?" she asked.

"Did you?" Knox returned, gesturing to Johanna's outfit.

"Touchè," Said Johanna, she then turned to look at Katniss and Peeta, "You guys look amazing."

"Thank you." Said Katniss.

Johanna turned to face the doors and started to take out her hairpiece. "My stylist is such an idiot. District 7. Lumber. Trees. Ugh!" She complained as she tossed her accessories to the floor, "I'd love to put my axe in her face." She threw her bracelets onto the floor too.

"So what do you think? Now that the whole world wants to sleep with you?" She asked.

Katniss scoffed, "I don't think that the whole world..."

Johanna whipped around to face her at the same time Knox said, "She wasn't talking to you."

"Okay..." Katniss said awkwardly.

"Will you unzip?" Johanna asked as she turned her back towards Peeta and held her hair out the way.

"Sure," Peeta said and he unzipped the back of her dress. Johanna sighed and pulled her dress down, letting it fall to the floor before stepping out of it and facing the others in the elevator. Knox had a smirk on her face, Haymitch and Peeta didn't seem to mind but Katniss looked like she didn't know what to do with herself as she stared at the wall.

Johanna winked at Knox when she saw her looking.

A few moments later the elevator doors opened on the seventh floor and Johanna turned to leave, "Thanks. Let's do this again some time." She said, "I'll see you later Knox" She waved over her shoulder at the taller woman.

"Thank you." said Haymitch, before turning to Peeta and Katniss, "Johanna Mason, District 7."

The elevator started to move again. Haymitch took a step toward Knox so that he was right beside her, "'I'll see you later Knox'" He mimicked Johanna's voice with a smirk.

"Like there's anything else to do around here," she said smugly, looking straight ahead. Seconds later the doors opened again on the tenth floor and Knox stepped out, "Wonderful to see you again Haymitch," she called over her shoulder.

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