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Toji Fushiguro X Fem! Reader

Mafia AU!

Genre: Angst

Warning: Gun Violence, blood/gore, multiple deaths, canon character death

Word Count: 1,360

The loud clunk of the storage unit door slammed open only bounces back down to close from the amount of strength from pulling the heavy garage door. The dark, muscular, tall figure flicks the lights on. The room brightens to reveal numerous weapons from ninja stars, and throwing knives to different sorts of gun machinery.

The eyes of this individual were void of emotion, but the aura that gave off was deadly. His clothes are covered in a dry substance that was uncomfortable to continue wearing, as he strips himself from those clothes. As he is pulling his head out of the shirt for his eyes to fall on an old photograph causing him to bite his bottom lip before turning away to continue what he is planning to do.

The photograph was taken months prior during his son Megumi's sixth birthday, when his son was being licked by their two puppies mixed-breed husky dogs, Shadow and White. The black dog, Shadow was energetic and playful compassing to their twin sister, White who was calmer and timid. His son was laughing and begging the dogs to stop, how much he wants to turn back time to those happy moments.

While he was gearing up and strapping numerous knives and guns to his body. He picks up the black duffle bag filled with machine guns. He takes a moment to look around to fall on a family photo which was taken years ago where his beloved wife stood beside him hugging his arm. He was holding their son on his hip and ticking the child to make the grumpy toddler smile for the photo. He was kissing his wife's head, causing his wife to smile brightly and stare at him dearly which he happily returned.

His small family was his pride and joy.

He was the happiest man in the world.

It was eventually, abruptly ripped away from him, literally ripping them away from his hands when he was far away from them to even protect them from harm's way, more like his dark bloody past came back to haunt him.

He requested, however, more like ordering by the grumpy toddler to get his snacks from the store. His wife took that opportunity for him to go out on small grocery shopping.

"You have Megumi's Scooby snack, and m-."

The older man sighs and nods despite knowing she couldn't see him. He unlocks the door of the old pickup truck and gets into place the grocery bags on the passenger side floor.

"Yes, I got everything on the list as requested. Don't worry, your pretty little head. I know how to follow instructions." He places the phone on speaker as he starts to drive home.

"Whatever you say, Toji. Megumi! No running inside the house!" Toji smiles at the imagery of Megumi running and you scold him. He stops when he hears the dog going wild barking until it goes completely quiet. It was unusual for dogs to bark in general.

"Hold on, Let me check on the dogs, they were going crazy ab-" There was a loud crash and screaming echoing through the home phone. As a response, Toji steps on the gas pedal to speed up going beyond the speed limit and cutting people off getting honked at as a result.

Toji shakes his head to get rid of the memory before reaching on the handles of the black duffle bag filled with weapons and takes the keys to his black motorcycle. He walks towards the door before coming back to the wall where his family portrait rips it off from the pushpin from the wall and slips it behind the bulletproof vest.

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