Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!

Start from the beginning

Y/N rolls her eyes at her friends antics and walks to the largest living room where she can hear familiar voices. Soon enough she knows thats its her friends and she smiles and makes her way into the room.

"Are you sure she was coming back today Hermione," Jorden asks

"Yes she said today," Hermione says sounding a little irritated

"Just not a time," Callan says with a sigh looking comfortable resting against his Hufflepuff boyfriend

"Guys Hermione is right, Y/N said she would be back today," Harry says

"Well she did decide to stay for an extra week," Ron says

"Yeah because she wanted to do more research on something, Godric's Ronald do you ever pay attention," Flo says

"I'm just saying she could've at least said a time" Ron replies as Flo scowls

Y/N laughs as she sees her friends all talking "Well if you guys just stopped bickering for two seconds you might already notice that I'm right here"

The group all turn their heads and smile as they see the Ravenclaw girl "Y/N you're back!"

The group all get up from their seats and rush over to Y/N and practically tackle her to the ground. Of course, Jorden and Flo practically make her fall over by the force of their hug and everyone laughs.

"Hi Flo, Hi Jord's" Y/N says and Flo smiles

"Oh thank Godric's your back," Flo says "do you know how hard its been for me and Hermione to deal with these idiots without you keeping them in line"

Y/N laughs and Harry frowns "hey we're not that bad Flo," the raven-haired boy says  "Jorden's probably the worst of us"

"Hey, not cool Harry," Jorden says and Y/N smiles as she hugs Harry tightly

"How you feeling" Harry whispers trying not to get the others attention

"Alright, you" Y/N replies

"The same" Harry says "we'll talk more later"

Y/N nods and Callan walks up to Jorden and wraps his arms around his waist

"Well you certainly keep us entertained Jordy," Callan says and kisses the Hufflepuffs cheek before embracing Y/N in a tight hug "Hey lionheart welcome back"

Y/N smiles "Thanks Cal it's good to be home" and turns to Ron who hugs her tightly "Hey Ron, my favourite Weasley"

Ron laughs and hugs the Ravenclaw tightly "don't tell Ginny that" he says "It's good to have you back"

"Same here I missed you guys," Y/N says "Now where's the girl that I've been dying to see"

Hermione laughs and Y/N stares at her girlfriend with a loving expression. Her dreams of the bushy-haired girl did not do her justice. Her hair was down and she wore a grey shirt and blue jeans with a rose pink cardigan over the top.

"Hey stranger," Hermione says and Y/N grins and gently moves her hands to the Gryffindor's waist

"Come here you," Y/N says and connects their lips together in a passionate kiss

All their friends groan at the display "Do you guys really have to snog right in front of us" Ron comments

"Let them be Ronald," Flo says with a smirk whilst the Weasley boy rolls his eyes

Y/N and Hermione pay them no mind as they revel in each other's company once more. Eventually, Hermione breaks the kiss and hugs Y/N tightly. "I missed you"

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