3-On the Edge of the Abyss

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"Wh-what was that?"  Anri asked as she felt what remained of her blood chill to ice.

"That, my friend...was a Nazgul,"  Olraun said as he sniffed the air.

"You said they were dead.  Gone," Anri said as she held her shield up and looked behind them.

"They were already dead, well save for one anyways.  It seems Wolnir found a way to summon one of their spirits by use of their ring. This could end poorly.  Maybe,"  Olraun said as he nodded reassuringly at Anri. Hearing the clink of plate armor, Olraun hugged a wall and pushed Anri into the wall beside him.  He slowly peeked around the corner and saw the Morgul green form of a Ringwraith.  Looking at the left hand he smirked in his luck as he turned the corner and ran at the wraith and they clashed blades.  "Long time no see," he said as he kneed the wraith in the stomach and grabbed its face.  Anri watched as part of Olraun's face began to glow in the form of it being heavily scarred and aged with a twisted briar of a crown as he glared into the wraiths mind.  When he released it, it sat where it was kneeling and the green aura faded away, revealing a tall woman in chainmail and plate armor with a torn crimson hooded cloak.  Mira blinked a few times before looking her brother in the face as tears began to stream down her face.

"Anri, this is my sister, Mira.  Mira, this is Anri, a companion of mine.  Now that introductions have been made, how did you get here?" Olraun asked.

"Wolnir.  He found my ring and summoned me from whatever afterlife I was in.  I was used beyond any horror Sauron had made me do,"  Mira said as Olraun hugged his sister and rubbed her back.

"Its alright.  It's safe now," he said as Mira's eyes snapped open.

"No."  Olraun looked at her puzzled as she stepped back.  "It's not safe.  Olraun, he has Isildur's ring."

Olraun closed his eyes and shook his head as Anri looked back and forth between the two, rightly confused.

"Who's Isildur?  And what's important about his ring?" Anri asked.

Olraun looked up as he responded.  "Isildur was a dear friend of mine.  He was the son of the king of the ancient kingdom of Gondor.  When he defeated the Dark Lord Sauron, he took the One Ring, the source of Sauron's power and his lifeline, claiming that it was his.  When Isildur was killed, Sauron made him one of the Nine, a Nazgul, ringwraith.  Isildur was granted the power of necromancy, a summoner of the dead.  If Wolnir has the ring, then we should be on our guard,"  Olraun replied.

"Yes.  Olraun, what remains of his throne room has a way to Irythill.  I'll get Anri to safety if you'll deal with Wolnir.  He could be an issue, but he's likely nothing more than a skeleton by now,"  Mira said as they hurried through the Catacombs briskly, killing any skeletons that they encountered. 

Olraun shut the throne room door, blocking the horde behind them.  Anri spied their door out and pointed.

"Alright, let's go.  It appears Wolnir isn't..." Olraun was cut off a black fog erupted out of a skeletal chalice.  Olraun drew his sword as he saw Mira and Anri leave the Catacombs safely.  He soon found himself in a dark chamber that reeked of death.  He clenched his fist and chucked a fireball into the air, illuminating the room.  Olraun swung his sword at his side idly as he approached the massive, skeletal form of Wolnir.  "The Great and Powerful Wolnir.  The great conqueror of Carthus.  Now little more than a bone pile clinging to the edge of the Abyss," Olraun said with a smirk.

Wolnir roared out a sentence in a language that Olraun didn't understand or really hear as he saw the large form of what appeared to be Isildur's ring on Wolnir's hand.

"You think you understand what powers you meddle with, but your foolishness I will prove to you.  The cold, damp, dark of the Abyss will pale in comparison to the wrath of the fallen Lord of Mordor,"  Olraun shouted as his sword burned with cursed fire as he leapt at Wolnir's arm, shattering his forearm.  Olraun saw the ring shrink back down to normal and he called it to his hand.  Wolnir, now in pain, shrieked as he drew his greatsword from the ground and raised it to strike.

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