3-On the Edge of the Abyss

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Anri and Horace stood at the stairs and looked down the stairs and looked back to see Olraun on a knee. They rushed to his side, but he held a hand up reassuringly. "I'm alright. Took a knife to my side, but I'll be fine. I need to return to Firelink for a bit. If you continue forward, mark your path so I can follow when I return. And most importantly stay together," Olraun said as he held his hand over the bonfire and disappeared.

Olraun stumbled out from the bonfire and jumped down to where Yoel was, only to find his corpse. He felt the hair on his neck stand up as he summoned a spectral sword and swung at head level behind him, only for it to be blocked by a near invisible katana blade. A intricate steel mask looked back at him as he steadied his hand.

"Impressive, my Lord. Few have survived my blade, and even fewer blades can block Darkdrift," the figure, apparently a woman, remarked.

"Who are you, and why did you kill Yoel?" Olraun asked as they backed away from each other.

"I am Yuria of the Sable Church of Londor. And I did not kill Yoel as he was my friend. But I assume you might be curious as to why I'm here," Yuria asked.

"Possibly," Okraun said as he de-summoned his weapon.

"Did Yoel perform a ritual with you involving your Dark Sign?" Yuria asked.

"Yes. Claiming to make an attempt at making me stronger," Olraun responded.

"Then you are on you way then," Yuria said.

"On my way to...?" Olraun inquired.

Yuria turned to look directly at him as she responded: "The path to usurping the First Flame and taking it yourself, to becoming the Lord of Londor, land of hollows."

"Is it to late to turn back?" Olraun said as he rubbed his forehead.

"I'm afraid so, my Liege," Yuria replied as she nodded.

"Well, what's the worst that can happen. Now if you'll excuse me, I must return to my companions," Olraun stated as he turned to leave.

"Journey safely, My Lord," Yuria said with a bow.

Olraun frowned in displeasure as he went to the bonfire and returned to the bonfire in front of the Catacombs. He walked down the steps and squinted as he attempted to see in the darkness. Removing an old torch from its holder, Olraun snapped his fingers as a spark flew off his gauntlet and ignited the torch and he held it high as he drew his sword and began walking through the dark hallways and avoided falling through holes in the floor. Aside from the occasional cursed skeleton that attacked every now and then, Olraun made his way through the passageways swiftly till he heard chainmail rustling around the corner. He raised his sword to strike but stopped when he saw Anri.

"Anri, you almost got...wait, where's Horace?" Olraun asked as he looked for Anri's silent companion.

"We got separated. Much to my shame, I was ensnared by a trap and he was nowhere to be seen, but I heard a raspy cry of pain later. It was him, I swear. I've searched but I can't find him. Will you help me? Please?" Anri pleaded as she held Olraun's arm.

"Lead the way. And don't worry, we'll find him," Olraun said reassuringly as he tapped his sword-clenched fist against her shoulder lightly. "Keep your guard up. These catacombs aren't the best place for normal folk to exist in. We'll search as long as we can, but we will have to move quickly or we may have bigger problems."

"Normal folk? Bigger problems?" Anri said in steadily shakier voice.

"The darkness of the Abyss taints and corrupts all. The Abyss is old, but the evil and corruption I bear is older and far more fearsome. I'm concerned for others. Enter the legendary Artorias the Abysswalker. As far as problems, Carthus was once a great kingdom. But its ruler, the High Lord Wolnir, sought power from the Abyss, dooming his entire kingdom.  Hence its importance to the Abyss Watchers.  I fear what other ancient terrors Wolnir dabbled with," Olraun said as he set his eyes on the road ahead.  After a while of searching for Horace without result, they froze as a piercing shriek was heard.  Anri began to shake as Olraun sighed.

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