Shit she needs to wake up. Not because I need caffeine, but because her bed is literally a horror scene.


She startled awake ,alarmed at my presence in her bedroom as her eyes went down and came back up to meet mine.

"SHIT shit shit" she sighed , smacking her forehead.

She pulled her cover closer, trying to hide the blood, her lips parted and eyes confused.
"What are you doing here??"

"I, I wanted to know where the coffee powder was when I uhh.,"
"Yeah. Get out."

"You know it's okay to get your.,"
"None of your business. Get. Out." She snapped, her cheeks flushed.

I spoke no more but walked out of the room.


"DAMNIT DAMNIT. This stupid thing had to come now?? NOW? REALLY? Nice move, Satan."

I screamed. This is embarrassing. I mean, in front of this guy?!

I used to be so judicious with the dates, and now goddamn.

I sighed and got out the door to throw the dispensary bag.



Why is this happening to me , that too today when I have work?

He'd made a mess of my kitchen, the only cabinets where I'd restored the essentials.
"Sorry." He breathed.

I cursed under my breath and went to clean it.

His hand , surprisingly, held me back.
"Caffeine , please."

"Right up."


Now I understand. It's not him I exactly miss. It's the talks. The fact that we talked about anything and everything. The fact that there was no hiding. The fact that we were one in a million, our spontaneous kisses , the sweet company, silent promises, warmest-est-est of hugs. The emotions above all , the butterflies, the war inside, the pain, grief, excitement, holding hands, coy confessions and the nights wherein we burm aflame as one.

I miss being loved.

That's it. I miss it.

Maybe I need to go out. Venture.

Or rather,concentrate and find my way through.

"I am coming with you."

"No need Leo."
"Hey hey, where will I stay?" He asked, as I turned the key, for one last time, before giving it out on sale.

His question was legit. I mean, where will he go?

It was my fault that I housed him under my roof.

"Fine. Geez."

The landscape out the window , giving the obvious effect like it's running back kept me occupued for a solid 2 hour journey. I didn't want to talk. Neither did he.

Silence, the brown stretch of land going back, tripping my mind up, the grey, light clouds making me comprehend a lot of figures.

It's one thing we learn from nature.

Our life is this train, we have our very own life, filled with the cacophony of our own, the adventure sometimes slipping through our fingers and our life going backwards in the undesirable direction, the distractions like the clouds, keeping us preoccupied in our own convoluted thoughts, hiding us from our sun, from our way out.

Yet, in the end, the train stops, the mess is somehow solved as the puzzles fall into place. There is happiness like rain, that through our faith, shower upon us, the sunlight, the clarity bestowed upon us, showing us the right path, drawing a smile on our face and teaching us to evolve and move on.

This is what I needed to do.

My brave face on and I am ready to run the race of my life.

Just another leg of the race, isn't it?

Yes I know how you guys are going about this.
But I do have a question.
Is there going to be Saleo? Or someone else? Someone new?
Or has Samantha given up on love?
I don't know.
You don't know.
Let's see.
And oh, my other novel "The Vantage Point" is completed! Hope y'all like it..
And also This War Of Mine 1 has almost reached 2K views!!
Thank you so much, you guys! x
Keep the love and support coming!
One love \m/

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