Greeting Travelers

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"No, they won't," Watto said, getting annoyed. Miona stood behind him and was shaking her head, moving her hand side to side in front of her neck.

"Credits will do fine," he tried one more time and gave a slightly confused face at Miona. He realized she wasn't tricked and even hinted not to do it.

"No, they won't! What, you think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that?"

Miona huffed in frustration, with a frustrated lower of her hand. Something near the back knocked over, crashing with a clatter, causing Watto to fly over to fix it quickly.

"Don't do that," she whispered, sparing a glance at how far away Watto was. "He's immune, that's just his species. You're going to have to find another way to pay, or just not get the part."

Qui-Gon looked at her with a small spark in his eye, and she sighed at the sight of Watto returning. She pouted, and her eyes urged him to look guiltily and regretful. 

"Like I was saying: No money, no parts, no deal," he said, getting close to Qui-Gon's face. "I was just saying that Watto," Miona sighed, "but he's now insisting that he must go somewhere else instead."

"No one else has a T-14 hyperdrive, I promise you that," he said in amusement, but his tone betrayed him, showing a hint of urgency.

Miona glared at him and walked back with Qui-Gon and R2. "We're leaving, Jar Jar," Qui-Gon said, walking past the chaotic sight of 'Jar Jar.' Miona looked closely at the little crew, especially the girl conversing with her younger brother.

"I'm glad to have met you, Anakin," Padme said, then looked at Miona. She gave her a smile and a wave, and Miona returned it in kindness. She thought the girl was kind and pretty.

"I was glad to meet you too," he almost yelled, making Miona chuckle. "Someone's got a crush," Miona teased after seeing them fade from view.

"I do not," he said immediately, his cheeks a roaring red. She just chuckled more, shaking her head.

Later, when Miona and Anakin finally could go home, they approached upon the sight of what was happening to Jar Jar Binks. Being who they were, they immediately walked over to find what was causing such a scene. Of course, it also involves Sebulba.

"Careful, Sebulba," Anakin said, looking the creature dead in the eye. "He's a big-time outlander," Miona said, stepping forward. Her face was calm, but her eyes blazed with intensity.

Her hands pushed the two problems apart and stood, covering Jar Jar. "I'd hate to see you diced before we race again," Anakin said.

"Don't touch me, girl! Next time we race, boy, it will be the end of you," Sebulba said. Miona got in his face, "Over my dead body." 

And even though Sebulba was scary-looking, he knew not to push his luck in front of Miona.

Sebulba snorted and soon began to walk away. Qui-Gon and Padme walked up to the two. "Hi," Ani said, making Miona wave at the two. She kept her eyes pinned on the Dug, ensuring he stayed far away.

"Your buddy here was about to be turned into orange goo," Miona said, smirking at Anakin. Anakin giggled, but quickly fixed his composure, seeing as Jar Jar was friends with these strangers.

"He picked a fight with a Dug, an especially dangerous Dug called Sebulba," Anakin said, looking at Jar Jar. Said creature flinched, hunkering down into himself.

"Mesa haten crunchen. Das da las ting mesa want," Jar Jar said, his eyes wide. Miona immediately calmed her aura, wanting to soothe the spooked creature.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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