Ch. 1 Dream

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I was running, at full speed. Whatever was behind me was frightening and I didn't want to turn back. But I did. I turned and saw a blob of darkness, inhuman appendages stretching towards me, spreading a feeling of hate and sadness. Every time I got farther, it would get even closer. Until I could feel it's foul breath on my sweat slick neck. I ran and ran and ran, not sure of my destination. Just that I had to get there, and fast. The thing, whatever it was, was making me slip and stumble and fall. Eventually, I just wanted to give up. To slow my pace and let my heart stop. Then a bright light shone at the end of the long corridor, brighter than my eyes could stand. And I almost floated to it. Running with all my might, dodging the hands of vines and twigs from grabbing me. A couple of times, I would hit a twig and it would make me fall, but the force bringing me to the light overcame it and I ran again, with new determination. When I got to the light, I hesitated for just a second. Before stepping in and feeling warmth spread through me.

"My child.... It's good to see you've finally made it to me" A sugar sweet voice said to me. The sound of it made my heart erupt in joy and I felt like passing out. Then, I felt hands grapple onto me, pulling me away from the man. I fought as hard as I could. Slashing and twisting, until a hand clasped around my wrist. A strange scar on its smooth palm. And pulled me back to him, where I was again, engulfed in warmth and gratitude. The man hugged me tightly to his chest, and I felt as if my life were complete.

Then I woke up.

Just the intro! More to come!

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