Thirteen: Colder By The Minute

Start from the beginning

Ever since Lin showed me this path leading up the riverside to a loop around Fort Tryon Park, it became my go-to running route. But today, as I overconfidently sprint around a corner on the park's walking trail with music blasting through my headphones, I suddenly almost collide with a little boy on a bicycle.

Wait a minute: a very familiar kid on a shiny new bike... Followed by another very familiar toddler running along the path, and their mother chasing them as fast as she can. They're all bundled up in their winter coats, hats and gloves, traipsing through the frosty park. I leap out of the way, catching my breath as I look on.

Please, for god's sake, don't see me...

But alas, I've committed too much sin for my prayers to be answered, and I don't own a cloak of invisibility. So all at once, Vanessa manages to catch Frankie and call out to me, taking a few steps forward whilst Sebastian turns his bike around and pedals towards where we're standing.

"Hi! Good to know I'm not the only crazy person out in this cold," Vanessa laughs as she greets me, warm and welcoming as ever.

I manage a small smile and pause my music, subtly zipping up my running jacket. Why must she be so nice? This would be a whole lot simpler if she wasn't.

"Yup. I'd lose my mind if I don't run," I say casually. "Anyway, what are you guys doing out here? There's a storm warning..."

"These two were driving me insane in there." She sighs, shaking her head, "My in-laws are picking them up so I can catch up on some work this weekend."

I nod, about to come up with some small-talky response, but as if on cue Sebastian parks his bicycle nearby and saunters over to us. The kid is a spitting image of his father; it's frankly a little terrifying. "Heeeey, you!" he says with a grin, all too sweet.

"Manners, Sebastian," Vanessa gently reprimands him, "That's not how we greet people, remember?"

Seb responds with a petulant scowl.

"But, Daddy says that," Frankie innocently cuts in.

"Exactly," his older brother agrees in a matter-of-fact tone, "Mom, you should teach Daddy about manners too."

Someone once said children are like parrots. And I'm pretty convinced that's true - when the fuck did these two hear Lin and I using that phrase? Thank goodness Vanessa's attention is entirely on her kids, else she'd spot my wide-eyed shock immediately.

Vanessa furrows her brows, shooting me an interrogative look. I shrug, instead choosing to shake my head and act oblivious.

"It's alright," I reassure her with a nonchalant chuckle, trying to brush it off, "Hey, little dudes. I like your new bike, Sebastian!"

Sebastian looks up at me in awe. "Thank you!" he chirps, before proceeding to tell me everything he knows about his new bicycle. I'm positively baffled by how many of Lin's quirks and mannerisms are mirrored by his firstborn, and I struggle to hide how badly that makes me want to cry whilst I listen to whatever the kid is saying. I can't ruin this, I can't hurt this family the way I know we will if Lin and I... Oh, lord.

"Boys, look who's here!" Vanessa says to the kids, distracting them from their excited chatter. I look up in the direction the kids are suddenly staring, to spot Lin's father approaching us.

"Abuelo!" Frankie exclaims, running towards him. He lifts the little boy up with a wide smile.

"It's great to see you again, Mr Miranda," I say, as polite as I can muster.

"Hey. I told you at Thanksgiving," Lin's father says sternly, scaring me for a moment until he continues happily, "It's Luis to you!"

I smile in silent relief, "Of course."

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